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New York - The Novel

New York - The Novel

Titel: New York - The Novel
Autoren: Edward Rutherfurd
Vom Netzwerk:
    “What’s the name of the firm?”
    “We’re trying to check.”
    “For God’s sake, you must know who she’s meeting.”
    “We’re checking that out right now. One of the other partners knows, but he’s in a meeting.”
    “Well, interrupt the meeting. Right away. And call me back please.” It was an order.
    “Yes, Mr. Master.”
    “Call me back.” Goddammit. His pulse was suddenly racing. If necessary, he would climb up the fireman’s ladder or scale the sides of the building, but he was going to get Maggie out of there. No question. Only he had to know which building.
    He tried Maggie’s cell. Nothing. He started to walk back toward the World Trade Center. Minutes passed. More and more people were coming up the street. He’d give Maggie’s office a couple more minutes, no more.
    His cell went again.
    “Daddy?” It was Emma.
    “Hi, honey.” He tried to sound unconcerned. “Aren’t you in class?”
    “I’m just going back in. Daddy, is everything all right? Are you anywhere near downtown? What’s happening down there?”
    “I’m out in the street, sweetie. There’s some kind of fire in the World Trade Center. But I’m quite all right.”
    “Is it, like, bombs or something?”
    “Could be.”
    “Where’s Mommy?”
    “In a meeting.”
    “She’s not down there, is she?”
    He hesitated, but only for a second. “Why ever would you think that?”
    “I don’t know. I called her cell and she didn’t answer.”
    “You know she always turns her cell off when she’s in big meetings.”
    “I know. I just …”
    “She’s in Midtown somewhere, honey. Everybody’s fine, go back to class.”
    “Okay, Daddy.”
    She hung up. He redialed Maggie’s office immediately.
    “I’m sorry, Mr. Master, we’re still trying to get that information.”
    “Now I want you to listen very carefully,” Gorham said. “If any of the children call, nobody is to tell them that their mother is at the World Trade Center. This is really important. You have to tell them she’s somewhere in Midtown. I can’t have the kids going crazy at school, when there’s probably no need. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, Mr. Master. I get it,” she said.
    “Call me back with the information about where she is,” he told her. “I need to know.” Then he hung up.
    But ten minutes passed, and still she didn’t call.

    Dr. Caruso was glad to be out of Doug’s office. He’d changed his mind just a couple of minutes after he’d got back there. Not that he was worried about his safety, but it occurred to him that there must be a lot of people injured in the North Tower. No doubt the emergency services would cope efficiently, but he was still a doctor. All right, an obstetrician, but a doctor nonetheless. He’d decided to go down to see if there was anything he could do to help.
    It hadn’t taken him long to find a fire chief.
    “Thank you, doctor. Would you stick around?”
    “Sure.” They were in the lower lobby.
    “I’ll get back to you.”
    The second plane had hit a moment later.
    He’d been waiting quite a while now. Firemen came and went. They were brave fellows, but it looked as if this situation was presenting them with some huge problems. So far, he hadn’t seen that fire chief again.

    It was 9:25 when his cellphone rang again. It was a number he didn’t know. He took the call impatiently, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
    “Honey? Can you hear me?”
    “Maggie! Where are you?”
    “I’m at the World Trade Center.”
    “I know. Which tower?”
    “South. I’d have called you before but my damn cell cut out, and this nice guy let me use his. Where are you?”
    “On Church Street, at Chambers. Maggie, I’m not going to Boston, okay? I was crazy. I love you.”
    “Oh thank God, Gorham. I love you too. I’m coming down the stairs, but it’s kinda slow. Some of the building’s got twisted around a little.”
    “I’m coming in to get you.”
    “Don’t do that, honey. Please. I don’t even know where I am. You’ll never find me, and then we’ll miss, and then I won’t be able to find you. Just wait right there. I’m on my way. It’s not like the building’s going to fall down or anything.”
    “Just keep talking to me then.”
    “Honey, the guy needs his phone back. I’ll call. Just wait there and give me a big hug when I get out.”
    “Okay. But Maggie—” The call had ended. “I love you,” he said to the cellphone.

    By 9:40, Dr. Caruso
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