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Moscow Rules

Moscow Rules

Titel: Moscow Rules
Autoren: Daniel Silva
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volume 2 of Anna Karenina and the bookshelves slid shut. Inside, the guard began shouting in Russian, his muffled voice barely audible.
    “Maybe we should give him some water,” Bulganov said.
    “He’ll be fine for a few hours.” Gabriel looked at Elena. “Is there anything else you need?”
    She shook her head. Gabriel and Bulganov led the way back to the elevator, Makarovs leveled before them. The porter was still frozen in place behind the reception desk. Bulganov gave him one final reminder to keep his mouth shut, then led Gabriel and Elena out to the car.
    “With a bit of luck, we can be across the border before dawn,” Bulganov said as he shoved his key into the ignition. “Unless you have any more errands you’d like to run.”
    “I do, actually. I need you to make one final arrest while you’re still an FSB officer.”
    Gabriel told him.
    “It’s out of the question. There’s no way I can get past all that security.”
    “You’re still a colonel in the FSB, Grigori. And FSB colonels take shit from no one.”

    An Orion’s Belt of lights burned on the north side of the House of Dogs; red lamps blinked in the transmission towers high atop the roof. Gabriel sat behind the wheel of Colonel Grigori Bulganov’s official car. Elena sat beside him, with Colonel Grigori Bulganov’s mobile phone in her hand. The colonel was not present. He was on the eleventh floor, arresting Olga Sukhova, crusading journalist from the formerly crusading Moskovsky Gazeta.
    “Do you think she’ll come?” Elena asked.
    “She’ll come,” said Gabriel. “She has no other choice. She knows that if she ever sets foot outside that apartment, your husband will kill her.”
    Elena reached out and touched the bandage on Gabriel’s right eye. “I did the best I could. It needs stitches. Probably more. I think that beast managed to break something.”
    “I’m sure he regretted his actions when he saw the gun in my hand.”
    “I don’t think he ever saw your gun.” She touched his hand. “Where did you learn to do that?”
    “Unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of practice.”
    “May I make a confession?”
    “Of course.”
    “I’m glad you killed them. I know that must sound terrible coming from the wife of a murderer, but I’m glad you killed them the way you did. Especially Arkady.”
    “I should have waited until you were gone. I’m sorry for that, Elena.”
    “Will it ever go away?”
    “The memory? No, it will never go away.”
    She looked at the mobile phone, and checked the strength of the signal.
    “So is your name really Gabriel or was that a deception, too?”
    “It’s my real name.”
    Elena smiled.
    “Is there something humorous about my name?”
    “No, it’s a beautiful name. I was just thinking about the last words my mother said to me before I left her this afternoon: ‘May the angel of the Lord be looking over your shoulder.’ I suppose she was right after all.”
    “We can pick her up on the way out of town if you like.”
    “My mother? The last thing you want to do is drive to Ukraine with my mother in the backseat. Besides, there’s no need to bring her out right away. Not even Ivan would harm an old woman.” She scrutinized him in silence for a moment. “So are you, in fact, the angel of the Lord?”
    “Do I look like the angel of the Lord?”
    “I suppose not.” She glanced up at the façade of the building. “Is it true you don’t know where my children are?”
    He shook his head. “I was lying to Arkady. I know where they are.”
    “Tell me.”
    “Not yet. I’ll tell you when we’re safely over the border.”
    “Look!” She pointed up at the building. “A light just came on. Does that mean she let him into the apartment?”
    She looked at the mobile phone. “Ring, damn it. Ring.”
    “Relax, Elena. It’s three o’clock in the morning and an FSB colonel is telling her to pack a bag. Give her a moment to digest what’s happening. ”
    “Do you think she’ll come?”
    “She’ll come.”
    Gabriel took the phone from her grasp and asked how she knew the Cassatt was a
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