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Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey

Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey

Titel: Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey
Autoren: Andrew Grey
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the house.
“Just a second.” Joey continued holding Robbie’s arm as he inhaled deeply. The scent of horses, hay, straw, and manure all assaulted his senses at the same time. He’d never smelled anything like it. “What is that?”
“What?” He heard Joey sniffing the air and couldn’t help smiling.
It was wonderfully overwhelming, and he was having trouble distinguishing between everything. “Are there horses nearby?” He could hear what he thought might be whickering, and he could feel the pounding of what might be hooves.
    “There’s a corral about fifty feet away.” Robbie was starting to get excited. “Was there a horse running?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?” He heard what he thought was amazement in Joey’s voice.
Love Means … NO Boundaries
“I could feel the ground vibrate from its hooves.” Robbie turned and began sniffing all around him. “This is more amazing than I ever dreamed.” He didn’t want to move from this spot. The scents, the sounds, the vibrations he could feel through his feet, all combined in a sensory delight. “We should go inside. Eli will have dinner ready. But I promise, after I show you around the house, I’ll take you to the barn so you can meet some of the horses.” There was that touch again, firm and reassuring.

Tapping the ground with his cane, Robbie felt where the step was and lifted his foot, slowly climbing the stairs into the house.
    Once inside he jumped slightly as the screen door banged closed, and then a whole new array of aromas and sounds assailed him. From the smells surrounding him, he assumed he was in the kitchen.
He was going to enjoy his time on the farm.
“Is this Robert Edward?” A new voice asked, and he felt footsteps approach.
“This is Eli,” Joey said, and Robbie extended his hand to feel a calloused one grip it.
“Please, call me Robbie.”
    “It’s good to meet you.” He sensed a slight hesitation in Eli’s voice and assumed he hadn’t known that their guest was going to be blind. The back door opened and banged closed. Then he heard heavy, booted footsteps on the floor. “Geoff, take off your boots.” Robbie tried not to smile at the mild scolding as he heard the man sit down and the boots clunk on the floor.
“Geoff, this is Robbie.”
“Pleased to meet you.” The man’s grip was firm. He could almost hear the smile in his voice, and Robbie knew without a doubt that the welcome was genuine. “I hope you’ll like it here.” 13
    Andrew Grey
“I’m sure I will.” Damn—he was so excited. He was grinning like a fool.
    “Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.” He immediately placed Eli’s voice and felt Joey’s hand on his arm again. New people were always blank to him. So many cues were visual, and he missed out on those, so it took him time to get an impression of people. That was one of the strange things about Joey: he’d gotten an impression of him right away, and it wasn’t the one he’d have expected from his earlier grumbling. It was from his touch, which was strong, yet gentle. He knew just how Robbie liked to be touched. Robbie suppressed a shudder and stopped himself from going down that path. He was just being silly, and he shouldn’t be thinking about Joey that way.
    There was one thing he was sure of—he was going to have a good time at the farm. These people, this place, it seemed special somehow. He wasn’t sure why he felt that, but he did. Robbie firmly believed in positive and negative energy. Not being able to see, he was particularly attuned to it. And this place, these people, radiated positive energy. Well, everyone except Joey. His energy wasn’t negative, more like painful. He could hear it in his voice, too, just below the surface, and he wondered what could have caused it.
    “I’ll guide you to the bathroom so you can wash up, and after dinner I’ll show you around and get your things up to your room.” Joey brought him to the bathroom, and after washing up, Robbie was able to retrace his steps back to the table using his cane. Even though Joey said nothing, he could feel him close by, watching, but not hovering. Sitting at the table, a plate was placed in front of him, and he heard Joey’s smooth voice softly explain where everything was located, and he felt his hand on his, guiding it to his glass.
    Every time Joey touched him, he felt something. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but he definitely liked it.
Love Means … NO Boundaries
“I’m not a
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