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Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey

Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey

Titel: Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey
Autoren: Andrew Grey
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think I am, some sort of servant?” He slammed shut the trunk lid and walked back to where Robbie appeared to be waiting for him.
“If you two are all set, I’ll be leaving. We’ll see you at orchestra rehearsal tomorrow, nine sharp.” The lady touched Robbie’s shoulder as she began walking toward her car.
    Robbie called after her, “Thank you, Mrs. Peters, for all your help.” Joey noticed Robbie’s Southern accent, and he smiled. The man was cute, and he sounded adorable. Too bad he was too full of himself to load his own luggage. He’d probably expect Joey to carry the bags upstairs and unpack them for him when he they got back.
    “It’s no problem, dear, you have a good time.” Her voice trailed off as she got closer to her car.
“We should get going. Eli will have dinner ready soon.” Joey walked around to the driver’s side of the car and opened the door, 7 Andrew Grey
expecting Robbie to do the same. When he didn’t move, Joey walked back around to the passenger side and opened the door, “I’m not a chauffeur either.”
    “I didn’t think you were a servant or a chauffeur, but I could use just a little help, if you don’t mind.” Robbie handed him his violin. “Would you please put that on the back seat?” Joey did as Robbie asked, wondering why he couldn’t do it himself. Joey then waited and watched as Robbie reached into the pocket of the jacket hanging on his arm and pulled out something that looked like white folded sticks. With a slight flick of his wrist, the sticks rearranged themselves into a long, white cane. Joey blinked twice. Shit and fuck. Robbie was blind.
    Joey felt completely insensitive and stupid, but he’d had no way of knowing. Those eyes seemed so big and bright. “Here, let me guide you to the car door.” Joey gently touched Robbie’s arm. “Step down from the curb and the car is straight ahead of you.” Robbie tapped his cane on the ground as his other hand touched the car door, following it to the body of the car and then to the seat. “That’s it. The seat is directly in front of you.” Once he knew where he was, he easily sat down and pulled the car door closed, refolding the cane and setting it on his lap.
    Joey got in as well and started the car, pulling around the drive and back out onto the road. He didn’t know what to say—he felt like such a fool. How was he to know that Robbie was blind? But what he’d said had been rude, regardless of whether Robbie was blind or not. At least now he knew why Robbie didn’t react to the scars on his face. “I’m sorry.”
Robbie turned his head toward the sound of Joey’s voice.
“Why are you sorry?” Robbie smiled, and his face lit up. God, he was adorable, and it wasn’t just his accent. The man was definitely cute. “You didn’t know, and I’d be mad, too, if someone made me load the bags in the trunk without helping.” That smiled widened.
    “Actually, I’m kind of grateful.”
Love Means … NO Boundaries
Joey didn’t understand any of this. “For what?”
    “You treating me like anyone else.” Joey took a corner a little sharply, and Robbie leaned toward him. It took a few moments for him to correct his balance. Joey realized what had happened and slowed down. “Most people treat me different because I’m blind, but you treated me like anyone else.”
“Well, you won’t get special treatment around the farm, that’s for sure.” Even though Robbie couldn’t see it, Joey smiled at him.

“Everyone works pretty hard, and there won’t be anyone who’ll be able to stay with you all day long. You’ll be on your own for some of the time.”
    “A farm?” Damn, Robbie’s smile widened farther, if that was possible. “We’re going to a farm, like a real farm with horses and cows and stuff?”
    “Well, yeah. Laughton Farms is the biggest operation in the county. We have almost three thousand acres now, with fifteen hundred head of cattle, as well as horses.” Joey went on about the farm, telling Robbie about the barns and the dogs. “Geoff and his partner Eli own and manage the farm together.” Robbie’s face registered confusion for a second. “Partner as in business partners?”
    “No,” Joey corrected, “partners as in partners in life.”
    THAT little revelation surprised Robbie, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it. Instead he filed it away to ponder later as the car bounced and swayed, and Robbie did his best to go with the movement instead of
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