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Love Means Courage - Andrew Grey

Love Means Courage - Andrew Grey

Titel: Love Means Courage - Andrew Grey
Autoren: Andrew Grey
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bright, open smile and said, “After the last performance on Saturday we’re having a wrap party at my house. You should be there.”
Love Means Courage
“Thanks.” Cliff just stood there, and Len wondered if he had more he wanted to say. The silence started to grow uncomfortable. “I’ll plan on it,” Len added.
“Good.” Cliff hesitated again. “Good.” Cliff shoved his hands into his pockets. “I was—”
    Whatever Cliff was about to say was cut off as Sheila swished in and grabbed Cliff’s arm. “There you are. I’m ready to go, and you were going to give me a ride home.” She basically ignored Len and pulled Cliff to where some of her friends were waiting. Len saw Cliff turn his head briefly back toward him, and then he was gone.
    “You know Cliff Laughton?” Ruby asked as she came up behind him. “Too bad that bitch Sheila’s got her claws in him.” Len turned around, surprised at the language. “Well, she is,” Ruby continued, “and he’s too nice to tell her to get lost. Maybe you could introduce us.” Len knew that Ruby had had a crush on Cliff Laughton since the seventh grade.
    “He just asked me if I was okay and invited me to the wrap party on Saturday.” He turned to her, letting his attention fall from where Cliff had disappeared. “Would you like to go with me?” She smiled her biggest, brightest smile and took Len’s arm.

    “I’d love to.” She actually batted her eyes at him until they both laughed, and together they headed outside and waited for his mother to pick them up.

    LEN’S mother dropped him and Ruby at the party on Saturday, but not after grilling them like a CIA agent would. “If there’s alcohol, you both stay away and call me. I’ll come right back and pick you up.” Len’s mother could be formidable, and neither of them had any 6
    Andrew Grey
thoughts about crossing her. “I’ll pick you both up at eleven.”
    “Okay, Mom.” Len helped Ruby out of the car, “We’ll be fine.” He deliberately kept himself from rolling his eyes; she’d pick up on that. The woman picked up on everything.

    The party was obviously in the yard. A fire had been lit, and there were tables with food and drinks nearby. Most of the cast was already there, and they walked up and said hello. He knew everybody. Mason County Central High School wasn’t big enough for you to not know everyone. “Hey, Len. Hi, Ruby.” Cliff greeted them both and showed them where everything was with Sheila sticking to him like glue. The school musical had been a huge success, with every performance nearly sold out, and during those weeks of rehearsal, the cast members had become quite close. “Are you two going to prom?” Len turned around and saw Brenda, one of the Pink Ladies, asking as she approached.
    “No, I have to work.” Len knew that Ruby was disappointed, but he hadn’t wanted her to miss it. “But Ruby’s going with Brad.” Brenda giggled and pulled Ruby away, leading her over to where the girls were talking. It never ceased to amaze Len that they all went to school together every day, sat in the same classrooms, and ate lunch together, but put them in a social setting, and the girls and boys separated like milk and cream.
    Len wandered over to where the guys were talking, hearing Cliff’s voice over the rest. “She’s driving me crazy, thinks I’m her boyfriend or something. Is she delusional? I’m not Danny, and she’s not Sandy. The play’s over.”

    “So break it off with her. Tell her you’re not interested, because she sure thinks you are.” Cliff was about to say something when one of the other guys chimed in. “I heard she puts out.” 7

    Love Means Courage
    Cliff snorted and laughed. “Are you kidding? She’s some sort of nun.” Then Cliff made a face that Len couldn’t see, and everyone laughed. The girls made their way over, and the party shifted as couples paired off. Ruby was talking to Brad, and Len was pleased the two of them were getting along. Ruby was a friend, and he knew she would never be more than that. The mere thought of anything more than that scared him.
    Len stayed near the food table, talking with the guys. He was having a great time. The night was cool but not cold, and everyone was friendly and sociable. Throughout the evening, he watched as the occasional couple snuck off onto one of the paths for a little private partying.
    “Len.” He turned and saw Cliff coming over sans Sheila. “Do you have a
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