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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 7

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 7

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 7
Autoren: Various Authors
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of a fraternity or something like it.
    "Wait a minute," Santos said, as he turned one of the guys over, so that the jacket shone in the light. Santos recognized the insignia right away. "This guy went to my high school. That's the same jacket the football team wore."
    "Are you telling me that we just bashed half of the football team?"
    "Fuck yeah." Dean shouted as he headed toward the bar where they were meeting their friends.
    "Those bastards terrified me all throughout high school. Ain't Karma a Bitch?" Santos said, grinning and finding his friend.
    CHAPTER 8: Longing for a date at Eight
    Zachery Merfries stood waiting by the door staring at his watch. His belly rumbled as he stood there, getting more and more angry. They were supposed to be there at 8:00. Where the hell were they? He crossed the room to confirm on the computer, once more, what time the email stated.
    It was 8:20. What the fuck?!? he thought, as he started to unpack another box. He felt weird living in someone else's house. After eight years of having his own apartment, his own space, he had finally consented to moving in with his best friend and soon to be wife. Wow, I'll have a wife. This thought filled him with hope and terror in equal shares.
    It wasn't an easy decision, but he knew it was the right one. Ann Nichols was his soul mate, of that he was sure. But what if the marriage changes our friendship, he asked himself. He thought of all they had been through together, fights with families, break ups, and the death of both of their moms, and he knew that this move was the only move to make. Well, the moving in part too, but that had been a rash decision after his final fight with Dean.
    Oh, how he wished he could wash that fight out of his brain, and never think of it again. But alas, some comments can never be taken back. His mind played them on repeat.
    "You are too big for anyone to love. And you're selfish. No one will ever love you like I do. Because you're ugly and huge." Dean had said and then threatened him if he left. Dean was always passionate, but only when he was really angry, was he ever hateful. And rather than find out if Dean would truly hit him, Zach left him that night and moved in with Ann. They already shared a business, and had been best friends for over ten years. Surely, they could live together and get married.
    When Ann first brought up the idea, she was joking with Zach and a group of friends. But as time went by and both Zach and Ann thought about it, the idea made sense. Sure, it was untraditional for a bisexual woman and a gay man to get married, but it definitively wasn't unheard of. They loved each other and wanted to celebrate their commitment, so why not.
    They decided to get married on Halloween, in a small ceremony with just their closest friends. But when their parents heard this, they refused to let them. Zach's father, the prestigious doctor, offered (and insisted) they have a big church wedding, with everything included. Ann acted angry but inside she rejoiced because she had always wanted a big wedding.
    Zach was so lost in his thoughts that he missed the first knock at the door. But the second round of thudding broke his thoughts, and he raced to the door. He looked through the peep hole and almost under his breath said, "Finally."
    He opened the door, and there stood the delivery man.
    "That will be $24.56," said the man with beautiful grey eyes and long shaggy brown hair that was captured under his backwards ball cap. Zach stared at him for a moment and then dug into his back pocket for his wallet. Turning around and searching the room, he saw it sitting on top of the desk beside his laptop.
    "One sec, please." He said, trying to hold the door open and grab his wallet at the same time.
    "Sure," the man answered in a slight New Jersey accent. "What happened to the lady that used to live here? Shorter gal, fiery red hair, real skinny?" He asked.
    Zach stopped for a moment. "You mean, Ann? She still lives here. I'm her..." And he stopped and thought for a moment, trying to figure to what role he wanted to admit to here. There was . . . Roommate. Best friend. Fiancé. Husband.
    "She's an awesome chick. We partied a couple of times together, but she always seemed more interested in making out with chicks than being with some fella. I mean, I got much love for Bi-Bi-Babes, but you know."
    Zach found himself slightly charmed by the pizza man's ramblings.
    "Well, Ann is nothing if not unpredictable. I
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