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In den eisigen Tod

In den eisigen Tod

Titel: In den eisigen Tod
Autoren: Diana H. Preston
Vom Netzwerk:
Korrespondenz mit Kathleen Bruce, R.V. Skelton, E.H. Shackleton, Sir J.J. Kinsey, Hannah Scott (Mutter) und anderen (SPRI)
    Shackleton, E.H., Tagebuch der Reise nach Süden (SPRI)
    Simpson, G., Antarktische Tagebücher 1910–1912 (SPRI)
    Skelton, R.V., Discovery -Tagebücher und Schlittentagebücher 1901–1904 (SPRI)
    Wild, F., Schlittentagebuch, Reise nach Süden 1908–1909 (SPRI)
    Wilson, E.A., Korrespondenz mit seiner Frau, seinen Eltern und mit A. Cherry-Garrard (SPRI)
    Veröffentlichte Quellen
    Amundsen, R., The South Pole (2 Bände) 1912
    Anderson, V., The Last of the Eccentrics 1972
    Armitage, A.B., Cadet to Commodore 1925
    Baden Powell, Lord, Scouting for Boys 1908
    Bainbridge, B., The Birthday Boys 1991
    Beaglehole, J.C. (Hrsg.), The Journals of Captain Cook Vols 1 and 2 1961
    Bernacchi, L., The Saga of the ›Discovery‹ 1938
    Brent, P., Captain Scott and the Antarctic Tragedy 1974
    Campbell, V., The Wicked Mate , hrsg. von H.G. King 1988
    Cecil, R., Life in Edwardian England 1969
    Cherry-Garrard, A., The Worst Journey in the World 1922
    Cook, Captain J., Voyage Towards the South Pole and Around the World 1977
    Crane, D., Scott of the Antartic 2005
    Debenham, F., hrsg. von J. Debenham Back, The Quiet Land 1992
    Doorly, G.S., The Voyage of the Morning 1995
    Drygalski, E. von, Zum Kontinent des eisigen Südens 1904
    Evans, E.R.G.R., South with Scott 1921
    Fiennes, Sir R., To the Ends of the Earth 1982
    Fiennes, R., Captain Scott 2005
    Filchner, W., Ein Forscherleben 1951
    Filchner, W., Zum sechsten Erdteil 1922
    Fisher, M. und J., Shackleton 1957
    Fothergill, A., Life in the Freezer 1993
    Glyn, E., Romantic Adventure , 1937
    Gran, T., The Norwegian with Scott. Tryggve Gran’s Antarctic Diary, 1910–1913 , hrsg. von G. Hattersley-Smith 1984
    Gregor, G.C., Swansea’s Antarctic Explorer 1995
    Gwynn, S., Captain Scott 1929
    Hanley, W.S., Hrsg., The Griffith Taylor Collection – Diaries and Letters of a Geographer in Antarctica
    Hough, R., Captain James Cook – A Biography 1994
    Huntford, R., Scott and Amundsen 1993
    Huntford, R., Shackleton 1985
    Huxley, E., Peter Scott – Painter and Naturalist 1993
    Huxley, E., Scott of the Antarctic 1977
    Hynes, S., The Edwardian Turn of Mind 1968
    Kennet, Lady (Kathleen, Lady Scott), Self-Portrait of an Artist 1949
    Kirwan, L.P., The White Road 1959
    Lashly, W., Under Scott’s Command . W . Lashly’s Diaries , hrsg. von A.R. Ellis 1969
    Limb, S. und Cordingley, P., Captain Oates 1982
    Ludlum, H., Captain Scott – The Full Story 1965
    Markham, Sir C., Antarctic Obsession 1986
    Markham, Sir C., The Lands of Silence 1921
    Mear, R. und R. Swan, In the Footsteps of Scott 1987
    Mill, H.R., The Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton 1923
    Mitford, N., The Water Beetle 1965
    Ponting, H.G., The Great White South 1921
    Pound, R., Evans of the Broke 1963
    Pound, R., Scott of the Antarctic 1966
    Ross, Captain Sir J.C., R.N., A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic 1847
    Savours, A., The Voyage of the Discovery 1994
    Scott, R.F., Scott’s Last Expedition (2 Bände) 1913
    Scott, R.F., Scott’s Last Expedition mit einer Einführung von J.M. Barrie 1927
    Scott, R.F., The Voyage of the ›Discovery‹ 1905
    Seaver, G., Birdie Bowers of the Antarctic 1938
    Seaver, G., Edward Wilson, Nature Lover 1937
    Seaver, G., Edward Wilson of the Antarctic 1933
    Seaver, G., The Faith of Edward Wilson 1948
    Seaver, G., Scott of the Antarctic 1940
    Shackleton, E.H., The Heart of the Antarctic 1909
    Smith, M., An Unsung Hero. Tom Crean – Antartic Survivor 2001
    Smith, M., I Am Just Going Outside. Captain Oates – Antartic Tragedy 2006
    Solomon, S., The Coldest March 2001
    Solomon, S. und C. R. Stearn, »On the Role of the Weather in the Deaths of R. F. Scott and his Companions«, in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 96, Nr. 23 (November 1999)
    South – The Race to the Pole 2000 [Sammlung der Autorin]
    Spufford, F., I May Be Some Time – Ice and the English Imagination 1996
    Stroud, M., Shadows on the Wasteland 1993
    Taylor, G., With Scott: The Silver Lining 1916
    Thomas, D., Scott’s Men 1977
    Watt, J., Freeman, E.J. und Bynum, W.F. (Hrsg.), Starving Sailors 1981
    Wheeler, S., Cherry. A Life of Apsley Cherry-Garrard 2002
    Wilson, E.A., Diary of the ›Discovery‹ Expedition , hrsg. von A. Savours 1966
    Wilson, E.A., Diary of the Terra Nova Expedition to the Antarctic 1910–12 , hrsg. von H.G.R. King 1972
    Wright, C., Silas, the Antarctic Diaries and
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