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Ghostwalker 02 - Mind Game

Ghostwalker 02 - Mind Game

Titel: Ghostwalker 02 - Mind Game
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He didn’t raise his voice at all. He sounded perfectly calm and reasonable. His voice was a powerful, hypnotic weapon and she recognized it as such. If he used it in a court of law on the judge, could she combat it? She didn’t honestly know. Even she was somewhat susceptible. Her head was pounding. She pressed a hand to her temples. He was exerting subtle pressure on her to do as he bid.

    Colby knew she wouldn’t be able to resist the relentless invasion for long. Her head felt as if it might shatter. Pride was one thing, foolishness completely another. “I am going to have to ask you gentlemen to leave. Unfortunately, this is a bad time for me, I’m afraid I’m ill.” Pressing a hand to her pounding head, she turned to Ben. “Would you please escort them out of here for me and I will try to schedule another meeting when I’m feeling better? I’m sorry.”

    She jerked open the door to her home and fled inside to the safety of her sanctuary.
    Nicolas De La Cruz would be a powerful enemy. The pounding in her head from fighting off his mental attack was making her physically sick. She buried her face against her quilt and breathed deeply, waiting until she felt the steady pressure slowly retreating. She lay there a long time, terrified for her brother and sister, terrified for herself.
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