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Forget Me Never

Forget Me Never

Titel: Forget Me Never
Autoren: Gina Blaxill
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something we’d have to wait to find out. I wished I knew what the side effects were, so I could’ve been more specific.
    Not knowing what else to do, we arranged the blankets and cushions into a makeshift bed. It felt like we were just waiting to be killed. What had just happened showed that Patrick had no reservations about hurting us and I wasn’t confident Kyle would stop him if he decided he wanted us dead. If the worst was going to happen, I almost wished they’d just get on with it. I couldn’t take not knowing much longer.
    I shifted on to my side, facing Reece, trying to ignore the edge of one of the stones on the floor sticking into my arm through the blanket.
    ‘Why are they being so indecisive?’ I whispered.
    ‘Because we’re sweet and innocent and they don’t want to have to kill us?’ Reece’s nose had stopped bleeding by now, but he looked pale. Up close, I could see that his brown eyes had flecks of green in them. How had I never noticed that before? ‘Something’s gotta shift. Even if McIntyre hasn’t called the police, Mum will soon enough.’
    I closed my eyes, thinking of all the things in my life that I hadn’t done and probably now never would. Sixteen – it was far too young to die.
    Despite everything, I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I knew I was opening my eyes, feeling like my body was bruised all over. Reece was sitting up, eating from a can with his fingers. I groaned and rolled over.
    ‘What time is it?’
    ‘About half four. Can’t sleep. Whatever this is, it tastes mega-gross.’
    He got to his feet and began shuffling through the cans on the shelves. After half a minute of listening to the clanking of tins, I groaned. ‘How can you think of eating at a time like this?’
    ‘Easily! How can you think of sleeping ? I’m going mad. Reece rattled at one of the shelves. It didn’t shift. He swore and threw the can on the ground. It bounced and rolled uselessly. Reece stepped over it and stood surveying the door. ‘Think there’s any chance of us breaking this down?’
    I sat up and pushed my hair back from my face. ‘There are locks top, middle and bottom. Looks pretty sturdy.’
    ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’ Reece squared his shoulders, stepping back as far as he could.
    ‘Hang on, they’ll hear—’ As I was getting to my feet Reece flung himself against the door. It flew open and with a startled cry he disappeared. I rushed over. Reece was picking himself up from the kitchen floor, rubbing at his elbow. I helped him find his feet.
    ‘What the hell?’ I cried.
    ‘It wasn’t locked!’ Reece said. We both looked back at the room we’d been in for the last twelve hours, unable to believe our eyes.
    Reece came back to reality first. ‘Run,’ he hissed. As I fumbled with the front door, Reece started opening drawers. The scraping of metal sounded very loud in the still of the night. Terrified that Kyle or Patrick would appear any moment I opened the door – it too had not been locked.
    ‘Reece! Come on. What are you doing?’
    ‘Seeing if there are any knives worth taking. I’d feel a lot safer if I had some kind of weapon. But there’s nothing.’
    Outside I looked around, trying to get my bearings. The cold air tasted delicious after the stale pantry. It crossed my mind that the lantern might be useful, but that would mean going back inside. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Reece. I followed his gaze to where the car was – or rather, where the car had been.
    ‘They’ve upped and left! Was that the plan?’
    A light came on in one of the windows on the upper floor of the cottage. There was no time to think and we took off down the dirt track that led to the road. As we ran I heard a smash and an angry shout – from whom, I couldn’t tell. At the end of the track we hesitated for a second, then turned right and carried on running. Several times I stumbled. Were we being followed? I glanced back, but it was still too dark to tell.
    ‘Soph!’ Reece was several metres ahead, waiting so I could catch up; he was a faster runner. ‘Up here!’
    It was a footpath leading into a wooded area, hedgerow on one side. Realizing that Reece’s intention was to find a hiding place, I jumped over the ditch and followed, ducking to avoid overhanging branches. Heading into the darkness I thought I heard someone yelling, but if there were any words, they were lost to the breeze.
    We crashed through the wood, twigs snapping under our
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