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Forget Me Never

Forget Me Never

Titel: Forget Me Never
Autoren: Gina Blaxill
Vom Netzwerk:

    Once again there are a number of people who’ve helped make Forget Me Never happen who deserve big thank-yous. Top of the list are my parents, Sheila and David, who were part of many epic Help, I’m blocked on book 2 sessions where we batted around ideas and solved problems. Once again, my agent Becky Bagnell and my editor Emma Young, for all their contributions and professional advice. It goes without saying that thanks are also due to all the lovely people at Macmillan whove helped form the book.
    There’s also Matt Davison, who knows more about pharmaceutical drug espionage than he perhaps ought to, and Jenny Dixon, who was my partner in crime for the grand research mission to Heathrow. Thank you as well to my brother Luke for writing hilarious notes all over my manuscript (he also said he didn’t want a dedication, but is getting it anyway). Given the amount of time me and my netbook have spent there, I definitely need to give a big thumbs up to the staff at my local Caffè Nero and their excellent soy milk latte-making skills.
    And last but not least, thanks to everyone – friends, family, colleagues and readers – who has been so very nice about Pretty Twisted . Your enthusiasm and support have been a big encouragement to me.

GINA BLAXILL lives in London. She has an English degree from Cambridge University and now works in schools liaison, helping teenagers puzzle out the mysteries of higher education. Between the ages of eleven and fifteen she wrote an epic thirty-six-part story featuring over 1,000 characters – she still remembers most of their names!
    Forget Me Never is Gina’s second novel for young adults.

Also by Gina Blaxill
    Pretty Twisted

First published 2012 by Macmillan Children’s Books
    This electronic edition published 2012 Macmillan Children’s Books
an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
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    ISBN 978-1-4472-3439-5 EPUB
    The right of Gina Blaxill to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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