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Englischverständnis für fortgeschrittene Anfänger – Buch 1

Englischverständnis für fortgeschrittene Anfänger – Buch 1

Titel: Englischverständnis für fortgeschrittene Anfänger – Buch 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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Many patients want their surgeon to remove unwanted lumps or bumps.
    A lot of people want to lose weight. Achieving the look they want needs healthy eating and regular exercise. However, even after exercising and eating well, some people have areas of fat around their bodies. Liposuction surgery, also known as fat removal surgery, is designed to help remove these areas of fat and reshape particular areas of the body.
    The usual areas of the body that can be treated with liposuction surgery include: arms, thighs, stomach, hips, buttocks, knees and the chin. However, liposuction surgery can be done to any area of the body. Liposuction is often used at the same time as other cosmetic surgery procedures such as the tummy tuck, breast reduction and male chest reduction.
    Another well-known cosmetic procedure is the ‘face lift’.  Signs of ageing such as lines, wrinkles , loose skin, crow’s feet and brown spots are part of getting older. Many people try to reverse these signs of aging with the help of face lift surgery.
    Face lift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is one of the most commonly requested procedures by both men and women who want to look younger. It is done to remove the skin that has lost its natural elasticity (usually around the eyes, mouth and jaw line). It also makes the skin tighter, reduces lines and wrinkles and rejuvenates a tired-looking appearance.
    Like all surgical procedures, cosmetic surgery has risks . When cosmetic surgery goes wrong, patients can end up dead or disfigured . If a face lift doesn’t work properly, the patient can be left with scarring , an involuntary facial tic or they may not be able to close their mouth or eyes properly.  Breast implant operations have been known to leave women with terrible scarring or different sized breasts.
    Although plastic surgeons can earn a lot of money, in some cases they decline to operate on some patients. This is sometimes because they think the person does not need the surgery. Surgeons can also decline a patient because their medical history, such as high blood pressure, can make the operation too risky.
    With such risks, you would think that many people would stop having cosmetic surgery but you would be wrong. In fact, the number of people using surgery to improve their appearance is growing every year. It seems we humans are a vain species and many of us won’t allow price, or medical risks, to stand in our way!
    Click on this link to watch a short video on cosmetic surgery
    cosmetic - involving or relating to treatment intended to restore or improve a person's appearance. Kosmetik, Schönheitspflege
    solely – only ausschließlich, allein
    alleviate – ‘to alleviate’, to make a problem better. lindern, erleichtern
    request – ‘to request’, to ask. fragen, anfragen
    snoring – ‘to snore’, to breath making noises when sleeping. schnarchen
    amputated – ‘to amputate’, to cut off a body part. amputieren
    achieving – ‘to achieve’, to get, to obtain. erreichen, erzielen
    wrinkles – the lines on the skin caused by aging. Falten
    crow’s feet – wrinkles around the eyes. A crow is a type of black bird. Krähenfüße
    reverse – ‘to reverse’, ‘to go backwards’. umkehren
    rejuvenate – ‘to rejuvenate’, to make (someone or something) look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively. verjüngen
    risks – a risk is situation involving possible danger. Risiken
    disfigured – ‘to disfigure’ to spoil the attractiveness of something or someone. e ntstellen, verunstalten
    scarring – A scar is a permanent mark on the body caused through an accident or surgery. Narbenbildung
    an involuntary facial tic – a movement of the face which a person cannot stop. unfreiwillige Gesichtszuckung
    decline – ‘to decline’, to say no to something. ablehnen
    vain – caring too much about your appearance. eitel
    Questions about the text
    1. Who was the first person to do a nose job?
    2. Why might a cosmetic surgeon refuse to operate on someone?
    3. Which cosmetic procedure would you have to remove fat?
    4. Other than appearance, why might someone have a nose job?
    5. Other than surgery, what two ways of losing weight are mentioned?
    6. In ancient India, why did they amputate people’s noses and earlobes?
    7. Apart from death, what are the risks of breast enlargement?
    8. Which type of surgery might leave a patient unable to close their mouth?
    9. Name three signs of getting older which are
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