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Englischverständnis für fortgeschrittene Anfänger – Buch 1

Englischverständnis für fortgeschrittene Anfänger – Buch 1

Titel: Englischverständnis für fortgeschrittene Anfänger – Buch 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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their mother tongue, would be brilliant. They say that wars and conflict would be less likely , if everyone spoke the same language.
    Although language death might seem inevitable, many people are fighting against it. In 1983, the Hawaiians created the ‘Aha Punana Leo organisation to reintroduce their language throughout Hawaii. ‘Aha Punana Leo means ‘language nest’ and in 1984 the organisation opened language immersion preschools and later they opened some secondary schools. In 1999, the first graduates who were taught completely in Hawaiian, left school.  Another example of language revival is Hebrew. In the last century, Hebrew changed from a written language to Israel’s national language. It is now spoken by over five million Israelis.
    Having one global language that everyone understands would certainly be an advantage and English seems to be taking this role. However, must this mean the loss of other languages? Is it possible for people to retain their own language while learning another? Only time will tell…
    Click here to watch a short video on language death.
    estimated – ‘to estimate’, to calculate or judge without checking properly. schätzen
    linguist –a person who studies languages. Linguist, Sprachwissenschaftler
    cease – ‘to cease’, to stop. beenden, aufhören
    isolated - far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote isoliert, abgeschieden
    wiped out – ‘to wipe out’, to kill all. auslöschen
    gradually –bit by bit, not all at once. graduell, allmählich
    banned – ‘to ban’, to not be allowed, to prohibit. verbieten
    declared – ‘to declare’, to announce officially. verkünden, erklären
    elderly  – old. älter, betagt
    common – occurring, found, or done often; prevalent. üblich, gängig
    involved -connected or concerned with someone or something. beteiligt, involviert
    likely - probably: "we will most likely go to a bar" wahrscheinlich
    throughout –in every part. überall
    immersion – the action of immersing someone or something completely in a liquid or language. Eintauchen
    retain – ‘to retain’, to keep. behalten, beibehalten
    revival - an example of something becoming popular, active, or important again. Revival, Aufschwung
    Questions about the text
    1. Where were schools stopped from teaching a language?
    2. What are the two examples of language revival?
    3. According to the text, how could we avoid more wars?
    4. Where are 16% of the world’s languages spoken?
    5. Which three factors can kill language speakers?
    6. How many languages are spoken in the world today?
    7. Name three languages mentioned in the text.
    8. What happened to reduce the number of people who speak Kutchi?
    9. When did Hawaii become part of the US?
    10. True or false? – The American government banned people from speaking Hawaiian.
    Click here to check your answers.

British Cuisine

    © Garuti | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images
    Many people from other countries believe English cuisine to be bland , boring and unadventurous but this is simply not true! England, and the rest of Great Britain, has a huge selection of delicious dishes .  Some dishes are traditional and some are newly arrived from around the globe.
    Traditionally, British cuisine has been included beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish.  It is normally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. The most popular and normal foods that British people eat are the sandwich, fish and chips, pies like the Cornish pasty, trifle and roast dinners. Many of Britain’s most popular dishes have unusual names like Bubble & Squeak or Toad-in-the-Hole.
    On Sundays, many British families come together to eat a traditional Sunday lunch.  Often, it consists of roast meat, (cooked in the oven for between two to three hours), two different types of vegetables (such as carrots or peas), potatoes and a Yorkshire pudding. However, although ‘pudding’ normally refers a dessert, this dish is not a dessert like other puddings. Instead, it is part of the main meal. Yorkshire pudding is made from flour, eggs and milk. The mixture is similar to pancake mixture and it is a sort of batter baked in the oven. The usual meats eaten for Sunday lunch are beef, lamb, pork or chicken.
    A very well-known and traditional East End London meal is pie and mash (mashed potato). When they were first invented, the pies were filled with eels. This is because at the time eels were a cheaper
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