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Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides

Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides

Titel: Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides
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haven't put him on the rocket," Joley pointed out.

    Libby blushed. Color swept up her neck and into her face, turning her skin bright red. Scarlet. Crimson.
    It was the bane of her existence, that and being flat-chested.

    "Uh, oh," Joley said. "I think your Tyson Derrick is a hottie. He is, isn't he, Jonas?"

    "How the hell would I know?" Jonas objected. "I don't look at the man unless I'm stopping him for speeding and giving him a ticket."

    "He speeds?" Libby asked, fanning herself and trying to be subtle about it.

    "On his motorcycle or in his car. The man doesn't know the meaning of the words 'slow down.'"

    Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    "He looks good," Sarah admitted, "but he's a pain. The man can't do polite conversation. I've seen him get up abruptly in the middle of a double date with his cousin, and just walk out, no explanation at all, leaving Sam sitting there with two very angry women. He just doesn't care."

    "If he didn't talk, he'd be hot," Libby admitted. She wasn't admitting anything else. She didn't seem to have a normal sex drive. The only time it kicked in was when Tyson Derrick was around and then her libido was stuck in overdrive. She'd never live that one down. So no way was she putting him on a rocket to Mars, not until she had the chance to sleep with him. And that would never happen because he was an obnoxious jerk who thought too much of himself. She would never ever admit to anyone she dreamt of him. It was humiliating to be attracted to a man who treated her so poorly. He was the complete opposite of everything she stood for and valued.

    "So what happened tonight, Jonas?" Elle changed the subject abruptly. "You're upset about something."

    The smile faded from the sheriff's face. "You don't want me to talk about work."

    "This is the best place for it."

    He sighed and took a drink of tea. It always seemed to soothe him, or maybe it was just being around the seven sisters. "We went out on a call this evening. A neighbor said she heard screaming. A forty-year-old man was taking care of his mother, who obviously is ill. He's been collecting her checks as they come in, but he was starving her and he certainly was beating her if she bothered him. He had a complete home theater set up, top of the line, and his mother is in the back room with dirty shirts and no food or water. I wanted to…" He broke off, glancing around the room. "I'm sorry. I know you're all able to feel what I'm feeling and I try to keep it under wraps but…" He trailed off with a small shrug.

    Hannah and Elle both put a hand on his knee. Libby leaned in and did the same. Sarah and Kate touched his shoulders while Abigail and Joley wrapped their fingers around his arm. At once he felt the flood of warmth, of family stealing into him.

    "You don't have to do that," he insisted. "I didn't come here to have you expend energy on me. I just needed to be with you. I was hoping your parents and Aunt Carol were back."

    "No, they decided to take a few days and tour the wine country. The Napa valley is so beautiful this time Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    of year and they thought they'd take advantage and do a little sightseeing," Kate explained.

    "More likely they needed a break from us," Joley said. "Aunt Carol brought home a couple of magazines, you know the ones with the latest scoop on the wild singer, Joley Drake. I think I'm supposed to be in a rehab this week."

    "That was last week," Elle corrected. "This week you were arrested for tearing up a hotel room."

    "I did?" Joley looked pleased.

    "I want to tear up a hotel room," Libby said. "Well. Maybe not. I don't really want to destroy someone's property."

    "Am I still in jail?" Joley asked hopefully.

    "No. Your latest lover bailed you out. In case you don't remember him, he's got longer hair than you do, a scruffy beard and he plays for some heavy metal band."

    "I haven't actually met him," Joley said, "but we were in the same hotel for about five minutes. He must be quick on action with no foreplay."

    "The mags are really after you lately, Joley," Sarah said.

    Joley sighed. "I know. Hopefully it will blow over soon."

    "I've never understood why you don't sue those writers when they make up so many lies about you, Joley," Jonas said. "It makes me angry."

    "In the beginning I was angry and hurt; and worried about my family having to read really ugly lies, or
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