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Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides

Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides

Titel: Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides
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    maybe even get interviewed and be asked questions about me, but I've learned to live with it. There are so many crazies out there, Jonas, but I guess you already know that."

    "Unfortunately. I talked to Douglas about your security with this last concert," Jonas added. "They let someone rush the stage. I couldn't believe it. If that had been someone out to hurt you, it would have been all over." His voice had gone grim again.

    "It was an overzealous fan, Jonas." Joley tried to soothe him. "Security carried him off and I was just fine." It had shaken her, but she wasn't going to admit it to him. Singing in front of thirty thousand people was easy. Dealing with stalkers and crazed fans and the paparazzi could be nerve-wracking.

    "Well…" Elle hesitated, biting at her lower lip. "There was more in that magazine." She looked at Libby.
    "Do you remember that incident a couple of months back when you healed that child and the parents told their miraculous story?"

    Libby nodded. The magazine had run a full-page picture of her. Fortunately, the article was so theatrical, she was certain most people would dismiss it.

    "Another reporter interviewed the parents and did a little digging. He turned up a few other former patients willing to sing your praises. One of them was Irene Madison."

    "No way," Sarah said. "Irene would never betray Libby."

    "She was very upset the last time we went to see her son, Sarah," Hannah pointed out. "She kept insisting that Libby cure Drew's leukemia. Libby bought him time, but Irene wants a cure."

    "The magazine paid her," Elle said.

    "How do you know that?" Jonas asked.

    Elle simply looked at him.

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    Jonas put up his hands in surrender. "Sorry I asked."

    Libby rubbed her suddenly pounding temples. "I should have known. At work today someone came to see me. He was well-dressed, a suit, definitely from out of town and he wanted to arrange a meeting between me and his boss."

    The faint smile was gone from Jonas's face and he shifted closer. "Who was he?"

    "That's just it. I don't know, but I recognized the name of his boss. Edward Martinelli. He's a big name in pharmaceuticals, but he has a certain reputation. There are always rumors flying about him and the people who back his company. I told his representative that I was too busy. The man didn't threaten me, but I felt threatened. He mentioned my family, specifically Hannah, that she was beautiful and high profile."

    "Damn it, Libby, just when were you going to mention this little chat to me?" Jonas snapped. "You should have reported it immediately."

    "I reported the incident to the hospital security—and to my sisters," Libby said. "It wasn't like he threatened me—or Hannah. What was I going to say to the police?"

    "Not the police, me," Jonas corrected. "You tell me."

    "It isn't like this doesn't happen all the time." Libby defended herself. "The gossip rags love to come out with the 'faith healer' and 'miracle worker' articles when they have a slow day." She pushed a hand through the cloud of dark hair falling around her face. "I just hoped it wouldn't happen again for a long while."

    "Martinelli has ties to a crime family out of Chicago . He's been in San Francisco with his company for a few years and has been supposedly squeaky clean, but his family's been under investigation numerous times."

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    "Maybe he really is legit," Libby said. "If no one's been able to find anything on him, maybe he's just a businessman with unfortunate family ties. We all have skeletons in the closet."

    "Then why would he send someone to threaten Hannah if you don't cooperate with him?"

    "He didn't threaten her," Libby repeated. "I was tired, Jonas. I pulled an eighteen-hour shift and I wasn't happy having a stranger come up demanding a meeting with his boss. He wouldn't tell me what Martinelli wanted, but when I said I didn't conduct test trials, he did say it had nothing to do with his company.
    Maybe I was so tired I misunderstood."

    "I'm going to be looking at Martinelli very closely. There was no reason for him to mention Hannah.
    Have you ever seen the list of wackjobs writing her threatening letters? She has as many or more crazies after her than Joley."

    "Lucky me. And just how are you seeing these
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