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Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy

Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy

Titel: Deathstalker 06 - Deathstalker Legacy
Autoren: Simon R. Green
Vom Netzwerk:
just want to say how delighted I am to be working with a Deathstalker again! Of course, I'm not exactly the same AI your ancestor Owen knew. Shub created my personality around what was left of the original AI, and downloaded me into this ship, so I could help you with this escape. They're really very keen that you should escape. Shub believes in Deathstalkers. They can get really sloppy and sentimental these days, when no one's looking. So; where are we going first?"
    "Unseeli," said Lewis. "The Ashrai don't like the Empire, so they should be willing to keep our presence there a secret. Assuming they don't kill us all out of hand, of course. And since not many people know about Carrion's involvement with my ancestor Owen, it won't be the first place Finn will think to look for us. I want to talk to Carrion, to speak to someone who was actually there. Someone who knew the real Owen, and who might know what actually happened to him."
    "Excuse me," said Brett, raising his hand like a child in a classroom. "I didn't understand one word of what you just said there."
    "Don't worry," said Lewis. "It will all become horribly clear as we go along. Now strap yourself into the crash webbing, all of you. Saturday; improvise. Oz; plot a course."
    "You do know Unseeli is Quarantined?" the AI said diffidently.
    "We'll burn that bridge when we come to it. I think Carrion and the Ashrai will listen to me. I have Owen's ring."
    "You do?" said Brett, leaning eagerly forward to stare at the black gold ring on Lewis's finger. "Damn; you do! You know, when this is all over, I know people who would pay you a really nice price for that ring . . ."
    "You'll have to excuse Brett," Rose said calmly. "It's either that, or kill him."
    "Everybody grab hold of something!" Ozymandius yelled suddenly. "My sensors are picking up all kinds of ships and armed forces heading right for us! We don't leave right now, Lewis, we're not going anywhere!"
    "Then go," said Lewis. "Blast us out of here, don't stop for anything, and drop into hyperspace the moment it's practical."
    "Sounds like a plan to me!" said Ozymandius. The Hereward's engines roared, and the ship threw itself up into the sky. Energy beams from approaching ships flared all around the yacht, lighting up the darkness, as it howled through the last of the planet's atmosphere. "Wow!" yelled Ozymandius. "Deja vu all over again!"
    It was a very fast ship, and they were gone and disappeared into hyperspace long before anyone could stop them. Lewis Deathstalker, Jesamine Flowers, Brett Random, Rose Constantine, a reptiloid called Saturday, and an AI called Ozymandius.
    Perhaps the only heroes left, in a darkening Empire.

    He was standing beside his descendant, Lewis, as they finally discovered the true nature of the Terror.
    What it really was.
    And I woke up screaming.
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