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Das einzig wahre Handbuch für Agenten. Tricks und Täuschungsmanöver aus den Geheimarchiven der CIA

Das einzig wahre Handbuch für Agenten. Tricks und Täuschungsmanöver aus den Geheimarchiven der CIA

Titel: Das einzig wahre Handbuch für Agenten. Tricks und Täuschungsmanöver aus den Geheimarchiven der CIA
Autoren: H. Keith Melton & Robert Wallace
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inklusive ihrer Techniken und Hilfsmittel, immer die »besten« Technologien einsetzen, die gerade zugänglich sind. Die Ziele der Spionage bleiben immer die gleichen, nur die Hilfsmittel des Spions verändern und verbessern sich unablässig.

Ausgewählte Literatur

    Exlibris aus John Mulhollands umfangreicher Bibliothek über Magie und Zauberkunst

    • Andrew, Christopher und Mitrokhin, Vasiii: The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB , New York: Basic Books, 1999
    • Bell, Boyer und Whaley, Barton: Cheating and Deception, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1991
    • Cherkashin, Victor: Spy Handler: Memoir of a KGB Officer: The True Story of the Man Who Recruited Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames, New York: Basic Books, 2005
    • Connell, Charles: The Hidden Catch, London: Elek Books, 1955
    • Cook, Andrew M.: MIS's First Spymaster, Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing, 2004
    • Dawes, Edwin: The Great Illusionists, London: David &. Charles, 1979
    • Devlin, Larry: Chief of Station, Congo, New York: Public Affairs, 2007
    • Fisher, David: The War Magician: How fasper Maskelyne and his Magic Gang Altered the Course of World War II, New York: Coward -McCann, 1983
    Fitzkee, Dariel: Magic by Misdirection, Pomeroy, Ohio: Lee Jacobs Publication, 1975
    Foot, M.R.D. und Langley, James: MI9: Escape and Evasion, London: Bodley Head, 1979
    Fraser-Smith, Charles: The Secret War of Charles Fraser-Smith, London: Michael Joseph, 1981
    Gibson, Walter und Young, Morris: Houdini on Magic, New York: Dover Publications, 1953
    Goldston, Will: Tricks and Illusions, London: George Routledge & Sons, 1908
    Goodden, Henrietta: Camouflage and Art: Design and Deception in World War 2, London: Unicorn Press, 2007 Hutton, Clayton: Ein Major mit Ideen, Düsseldorf: Econ Verlag, 1961 Kalush, William und Sloman, Larry: The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero, New York: Atria Books, 2006 Lamphere, Robert J.: The FBI-KGB War. A Special Agent's Story, New York: Random House, 1986
    Mangold, Tom: Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991 Marks, John: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979
    Melton, H. Keith: CIA Special Weapons & Equipment: Spy Devices of  the Cold War, New York: Sterling Publishing, 1993
    Melton, H. Keith: OSS Special Weapons and Devices: Spy Devices of  World War II, New York: Sterling Publishing, 1991
    Melton, H. Keith: Der perfekte Spion. Die Welt der Geheimdienste,
    München: Heyne, 1999
    Mendez, Antonio J.: The Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA, New York: Morrow, 1999
    Mendez, Antonio J. und Mendez, Jonna: Spy Dust: Two Masters of Disguise Reveal the Tools and Operations That Helped Win the Cold War, New York: Atria Books, 2002
    Mulholland, John: Mulholland's Book of Magic, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1963
    Polmar, Norman und Allen, Thomas B.: Spy Book: The Encyclopedia of Espionage, New York: Random House, 1998 Powers, Gary und Gentry,' Curt: Operation Overflight, London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1971
    • Robinson, Ben: MagiCMn: John Mulholland's Secret Life , Lybrary. com, 2008
    • Roco, Mihail und Bainbridge, William Sims: Nanotechnology; Societal Implications II. U.S. National Science Foundation, National Science and Technology Council, 2007
    • Sachs, Eddie: Sleight of Hand: A Practical Manual of Legerdemain, London: C.U. Gill, 1885
    • Seaman, Mark: Secret Agent's Handbook: The World War I Spy Manual of Devices, Disguises, Gadgets, and Concealed Weapons , Guilford, Connecticut: Lyons Press, 2001
    • Silverman, Kenneth: Houdini! The Career of Ehrich Weiss, New York: HarperCollins, 1996
    • Snider, L. Britt: The Agency and the Hill: The CIA's Relationship with Congress, 1964-2004, Washington D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, The Center for the Study of Intelligence, 2008
    • Steinmeyer, Jim: Art & Artifice and Other Essays on Illusion, New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2006
    • Steinmeyer, Jim: Hiding the Elephant: How Magicians Invented the Impossible and Learned to Disappear, New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003
    • Steinmeyer, Jim: Buchrezension: »The Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA« in: Studies in Intelligence 46, 2, Central Intelligence Agency, 2002
    • Theoharis, Äthan G. mit Immerman, Richard IT., Johnson, Loch, Olmsted, Kathryn und Prados,John: The Central
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