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Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer

Titel: Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer
Autoren: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
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Julian‟s nose, he wasn‟t much problem
    for Ty to push around. But Cameron was determined to stay calm, like
    Julian had told him, though it wasn‟t looking good as Ty propelled him
    forward. At least he was almost certain these guys wouldn‟t kill him.
    “I‟m sure you have ways to find us,” Zane told Julian as he
    walked toward the door, somehow managing to look casual but keep
    facing Julian the whole time. He was still holding his gun. “If you
    decide to change your mind.”
    Julian sidestepped, stopping their progress. He didn‟t budge as Ty
    moved Cameron toward the door. Ty‟s fingers dug into Cameron‟s
    shoulder to stop him.
    “Zane, I think Mr. Cross is a little more attached to Mr. Jacobs
    than we realized,” Ty said casually to his partner.
    “Well, leave it to intel to miss important little details like that,”
    Zane muttered. He offered Julian an insincere smile. “Your choice, Mr.
    Cross. In a manner of speaking.”
    “Either get out of the way or have your man on the roof shoot us,”
    Ty told Julian, sounding as if he hadn‟t a care in the world.
    Julian narrowed his eyes. He glanced to the side, looking at Zane
    as he held up his hand and slowly reached into his coat with the other.
    He extracted his cell phone carefully and slid it open. He looked back
    at Ty as he pressed a button and put the phone to his ear. “Preston,” he
    said slowly. “Shoot the stupid one.”

    Before Armed & Dangerous ,
    meet Julian Cross and Cameron Jacobs in


    About the Authors

    MADELEINE URBAN is a down-home Kentucky girl who‟s been
    writing since she could hold a crayon. Although she has written and
    published on her own, she truly excels when writing with co-
    authors. She lives with her husband, who is very supportive of her
    work, and two canine kids who only allow her to hug them when she
    has food. She wants to live at Disney World, the home of fairy dust,
    because she believes that with hard work, a little luck, and beloved
    family and friends, dreams really can come true.
    Visit Madeleine‟s blog at http://www.madeleineurban.com/. You
    can contact her at [email protected]. Visit her web
    site with Abigail Roux at http://www.urbanandroux.com.

    ABIGAIL ROUX was born and raised in North Carolina. A past
    volleyball star who specializes in pratfalls and sarcasm, she
    currently spends her time coaching volleyball and dreading the day
    when her little girl will hit that age. Abigail has a baby girl she calls
    Bitty, six cats, a crazyass extended family, and a cast of thousands in
    her head.
    Visit Abigail‟s blog a t http://abigail-roux.livejournal.com/. Visit her web site with Madeleine Urban a t http://www.urbanandroux.com.

    The Cut & Run series from URBAN & ROUX



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