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Coda 02 -A to Z

Coda 02 -A to Z

Titel: Coda 02 -A to Z
Autoren: Marie Sexton
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make the stereotypical masturbation joke. Have a feelin’ she wouldn’t have laughed. Jeremy wants me to register as a Libertarian. He says Republicrats are the stooges of the corporate empire. Whatever the fuck that means. Nero Sensei keeps tryin’ to sell me supplements, and his students are always runnin’ ’round the parkin’ lot in their gis, kickin’ trees and yellin’ like banshees. Then there’s the customers. The guy in the Hawaiian shirts used to be a lawyer. Now he’s a bartender. He definitely shops at Jeremy’s shop on a regular basis, and he loves tearjerkers. He was embarrassed at first, but why should I care if the guy digs chick flicks? Justin only rents Heavy Metal . The movie’s not that good, and I can’t help but wonder why he doesn’t just buy a copy of the damn thing. And then there’s Carrie, the girl with the pierced lip. Would have figured her for a vampire freak. Turns out she plays cello and sings in her church choir. Loves musicals.
    Never had so much fun at a job as I have with Zach. Look forward to seein’ him every day. I’m surprised how we seem to get along so easy. I feel bad for him, though, waitin’ ’round for that dickhead Tom. It’s clear as day that what Zach’s lookin’ for is a real relationship. It’s equally fuckin’ obvious that Tom isn’t interested in anything of the sort. Zach’s always countin’ the hours ’til he gets to see Tom again. Tom cancels at least half the time and shows up late the other half.
    ’Course who am I to talk? Like I said, I don’t do relationships. Still, I don’t think my way is quite so despicable. I would have shown Zach a good time and then never seen him again. I wouldn’t have pretended to date him and strung him along like Tom’s doin’. It’s the dishonesty that makes it so disgustin’. Got to remember, though, that it’s none of my business.
    Couple weeks later Zach calls and asks me to open without him. Says he’s runnin’ late. That’s not just a phrase for Zach. He actually runs every mornin’. Sometimes a mile, sometimes a few. I don’t get it. Runnin’ isn’t my idea of fun. But it does explain why he still looks so great. Anyway he was runnin’ late and then still wanted to shower, too, before comin’ in. I told him to take his time. Wednesday mornin’: no reason for us both to be there.
    That’s why I’m alone in the store when Tom comes in.
    I gotta be honest. Tom creeps me out. Not sure I can explain it. Maybe ’cause big jocks like him made my teenage years hell. Maybe ’cause a jock like him tried to rape me four years ago. That guy gave off the same bad vibes I get from Tom. I been pretty happy he never noticed me. ’Til today.
    He looks around the store, obviously lookin’ for Zach, but sees me instead. Then his eyes change. Can’t explain it no better than that. Gives me chills.
    “Hey,” he says. He walks over to me, where I’m rearrangin’ movies on the shelves in the corner. “Zach here?”

    “Nope.” I don’t look at him. Just keep doin’ what I’m doin’. “I’ll tell him you stopped by.”
    ’Course I’m hopin’ he’ll be happy with that answer and be on his merry fuckin’ way. But I know right away it’s not gonna work. He’s still standin’ there, lookin’ at me, and when I glance over, I see a little smirk on his face that makes my pulse kick into overdrive. Not in a good way. Worst part is, he’s got me blocked in the corner.
    “Zach must be smarter than I thought,” he says suddenly, “keeping a pretty little thing like you around.” I’m not sure which part of that comment annoys me more—bein’ called a “pretty little thing,” or hearin’ him imply that Zach’s stupid. “Tell me. Does he let you fuck him, or is it always the other way around?”
    “Not like that,” I say. I’m weighin’ my options. I’m not afraid of him. I learned a long time ago how to fight big guys like him. Question is, how much trouble will it cause afterward? Just have to bide my time, play it cool, hope nothin’ happens before Zach shows up.
    “You expect me to believe that Zach keeps you around for your excellent organizational skills?” he asks sarcastically. I shrug. “Have to ask him.”
    He moves closer. I don’t back away. Not gonna give him the satisfaction of seein’ me back down. “Come on now,” he says seductively. “Let’s play nice. I bet you’re worth the effort. Why don’t you give me a little of what you’ve been
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