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Carpathian 05 - Dark Challenge

Carpathian 05 - Dark Challenge

Titel: Carpathian 05 - Dark Challenge
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Syndil, a male Carpathian appearing beside her just before sunset.
    Syndil sank backward, allowing Julian room as he burst through the topsoil. She was relieved to see Desari right beside him.
    "Syndil," Desari greeted, hugging the woman to her.
    "You have risen early to ensure our brother is well cared for. I am grateful to you."
    "I felt his pain within the earth," she replied softly. "It has used much of its energy to aid him. I thought if I provided for the earth, it would aid in healing him faster." She was very pale after lending her energy to such a task. She brushed a tired hand across her forehead, leaving a smear of dirt in its wake.
    "You know the earth will heal him quickly with your aid." Desari touched her with a gentle hand. "Your gift is one none of us could do without."
    "I must go now," Julian said. "I must find the vampire's resting place before he has a chance to rise. I am already late."
    "Julian, no," Desari protested. As she turned to face him, she raised her arms in a kind of objection, creating a slight stirring of air.
    The wind she brought forth blew softly, a whisper really, tugging at Julian's long blond hair. He caught up the strands and secured them at the nape of his neck. Very gently his palm cupped Desari's face. "I have to do this, cara . You know I do. I can do no other than to see to your safety and that of your brother and the other female." At her quick frown he hastily made the correction. "Syndil." He glanced at the other woman. "I cannot allow this monster to continue to terrorize either one of you." And you know he is the one; his shadow is growing within me, a stain I must cleanse from my body .
    "Why must you go now? Darius will be completely healed in another few risings. You are not at full strength. I know you must destroy him, but you can wait for a more opportune time," Desari protested.
    Her teeth worried her lower lip. She knew he was going to go despite anything she said, but she felt she had to try. She was in his mind, and it was written in stone that he would hunt the one that had threatened them all and so seriously injured Darius. The ancient vampire was Julian's mortal enemy; he had robbed him of his life and home, and now he threatened his newfound family.
    A slow smile softened the hard edge of Julian's mouth. "You know very well I am at full strength, piccola
    , and that I can do no other than go. Do not give me a hard time over this."
    Desari swept back her hair, her long lashes sweeping down to cover the expression in her eyes. "Then return quickly, lifemate. We have much to do in the next few risings. My concert schedule is already set, and we are expected. It would raise suspicion and cause unwanted attention if we did not show up when we are expected."
    "I have little to say about your chosen profession, lifemate," he growled, catching her chin, forcing her to look up at him. His mouth found hers in a long, slow kiss filled with promise. "I will return quickly, cara mia . Have no fear."

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    She shrugged with pretended carelessness. "I have none. You will rid the world of this creature and allow us to continue with our schedule."
    "Of course," Julian replied, as if he were going off to a banking job. He touched her chin with a gentle fingertip, the gesture so tender, Desari found herself blinking back tears as he moved away from her.
    As Julian started out of the chamber, Barack materialized almost in front of him, blocking the way. "It is my right to do this thing. I will hunt."
    Syndil, kneeling in the rich soil near Darius, swung around so fast she nearly fell over their leader's resting place. "What in the world are you saying? Have you completely lost your mind, Barack? What has gotten into you these last months? You have no business chasing monsters around." Her voice was the strongest Julian had ever heard it, a husky blend of sounds that made one think of bedrooms and satin sheets. That voice could easily stop a man in his tracks, and Barack was not immune to its magic.
    The Carpathian male turned to look at her, his dark eyes cool and calm. "You will stay out of this business, Syndil, and behave as a woman should."
    "I would think one kill on your hands would be enough," Syndil went on. "It is not your calling, or have you acquired a taste for such things?"
    "The undead cannot be allowed to follow us or make another try for you or Desari," Barack replied without
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