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Brother Cadfael 05: Leper of Saint Giles

Brother Cadfael 05: Leper of Saint Giles

Titel: Brother Cadfael 05: Leper of Saint Giles
Autoren: Ellis Peters
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that the left hand, once long and shapely, lacked both index and middle fingers, and had but two joints of the third, and the texture of the maimed parts was whitish, wrinkled and dry.
    "No very noble proceeding," said Mark with rueful resignation, shaking the debris of grass from his skirts. "But fear makes men cruel."
    Brother Cadfael doubted whether fear had played any part. Huon de Domville did not look the man to be afraid of anything short of hellfire, though it was true that the outcasts' disease did not fall far short of hellfire.
    "You have a new man there?" he asked, gazing after the tall leper, who had moved along the bank to regain a good view of the road. "I do not think I have seen him before."
    "No, he came in a week or more ago. He is a wanderer, he goes on perpetual pilgrimage, from shrine to shrine as close as in his condition he may. Seventy years old, he says he is, and I believe him. He will not stay long, I think. He makes a stay here because Saint Winifred's bones rested here in the church before being received into the abbey. There, so close to the town, he may not go. Here he may."
    Cadfael, who had knowledge of that renowned virgin's whereabouts which he could never confide to his innocent friend, scrubbed thoughtfully at his blunt brown nose, and reflected tranquilly that even from her far-distant grave in Gwytherin, Saint Winifred would bestir herself to hear the prayers of a poor, afflicted man.
    His eyes followed the tall, erect figure. In the shrouded anonymity of dark cloak and hood, and the cloth veil that hid even the faces of those worst disfigured, men and women, old and young, seemed to go secretly and alone through the remnant of life left to them. No gender, no age, no colouring, no country, no creed: all living ghosts, known only to their maker. But no, it was not so. By gait, by voice, by stature, by a thousand infinitesimal foibles of character and kind that pierced through the disguise, they emerged every one unique. This one in his silence had a dominating presence, and in his stillness even under threat a rare and daunting dignity.
    "You have talked with him?"
    "Yes, but he says little. From his manner of speaking," said Mark, "I think lips or tongue must be corrupted. Words come slowly, a little mangled, and he tires soon. But his voice is quiet and deep."
    "What remedies are you using on him?"
    "None, for he says he needs none, he carries his own balm. No one here has seen his face. That is why I think he must be sadly maimed. You'll have noticed one foot is crippled? He has lost all toes on that one, but for the stump of the great toe. He has a special shoe built to give him support, a stable sole to walk on. I think the other foot may also be affected, but not so badly."
    "I saw his left hand," said Cadfael. Such hands he had seen before, the fingers rotted away until they fell like dead leaves, the corrosion of the flesh gnawing slowly until even the wrist shed its bones. Yet it seemed to him that this devouring demon had died of its own greed. There was no ulcerous crust remaining; the seamed white flesh where the lost fingers had once been was dry and healed, however ugly to the view. Firm muscles had moved in the back of the hand when he gestured.
    "Has he given you a name?"
    "He says his name is Lazarus." Brother Mark smiled. "I think it is a name he gave himself at a late christening - perhaps when he cut himself off from family and home, according to law. It is a second birth, lamentable though it may be. He was godfather at his own second baptism. I don't enquire. But I wish he would use our help, and not rely only on his own tending. He must surely have some sores or ulcers that could benefit by your ointments, before he leaves us as he came."
    Cadfael mused, watching the withdrawn figure, motionless at the head of the slope of grass. "Yet he is not numbed! He has his powers of body still, in all such members as are left to him? He feels heat and cold? And pain? If he strikes his hand against a nail, or a splinter in the fence, he knows it?"
    Mark was at a loss; he knew the disease only as he had encountered it, unsightly, ulcerated, full of sores. "He felt the sting of the whip, I know, even through the armour of his cloak. Yes, surely he feels, like other men."
    But those who have the true leprosy, thought Cadfael, recalling many he had seen in his crusading days, very long ago, those who whiten like ash, those whose skin powders away in grey patches, in the
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