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Bluegrass Undercover (Bluegrass Brothers)

Bluegrass Undercover (Bluegrass Brothers)

Titel: Bluegrass Undercover (Bluegrass Brothers)
Autoren: Kathleen Brooks
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as she got up from her chair. “I’ll see you in thirty minutes, and if that pad isn’t full, I’ll call the embassy myself.” Annie stood up straight and walked out the door.
    “I don’t think I’m going to send her back to Miami. I think I’ll keep her,” Romero joked.
    “I think I will too.” Cade smiled.
    *     *     *
    Annie read over the statement one more time. Damn, damn, damn. He didn’t know the identity of the boss. He did give up the entire organization though and all the other major and minor players across the country. He gave her drop dates and times, dealers, middlemen and even explained that the boss used the teenagers as guinea pigs.
    “This doesn’t make sense. He wasn’t at the games and neither were any of his people,” Annie told Romero and Cade.
    “Then the boss must have been at the game.” Cade saw Annie look to Romero whose brow creased in concentration.
    “He’s right. Agent Jones!” Romero yelled into the cubicles outside his office. “Call a judge, any judge and get us a warrant for additional surveillance equipment to be put up in and around Commonwealth Stadium. Then call Commonwealth and get this set up. The boss will be there, and we need a picture of every single person who goes in or out. Also, we need everyone held for 48 hours. No paperwork on them, no phone calls. Get the judge to sign off on that too.”
    Annie watched as Romero went over to his desk and shuffled through the file. “Good job, you two. Go home. Get some rest. Good luck at that game tomorrow, Coach.”
    “Thank you. I assume the 9-1-1 call should be covered up?” Cade asked.
    “I’ve already taken care of it.”
    “No disrespect, sir, but gossip travels at an amazing rate in Keeneston. It will take more than the DEA’s office threatening the local cops to quiet this down.”
    “I know. I called John Wolfe as soon as I got the call. He’s helping us out with a cover story.”
    “That’s, well, that’s just brilliant.” Annie was in awe. She would never have thought about that.
    “I’m from Paris, Kentucky. It’s just a little bigger than Keeneston so I know the ropes of small town gossip.” Romero actually cracked a smile as he pointed them out the door.
    “Come on, let’s go home.”
    Annie’s heart warmed at the thought. She was becoming part of a town with the old guard looking out for her, a man who loved her, and a dog that had saved her.
    “Sounds great. But, let’s pick up a burger for Justin. I think he deserves it.” They headed out to the parking lot and to the car waiting to take them home.

Chapter Twenty-Two
    Annie was sure she had never felt such pain. Ow! There it was again. She had been trying to casually check out everyone in attendance, but it was proving to be very difficult with so many people there.
    “Did you see that? I have never seen Trey or Austin so in tune with each other!” Paige hit her arm again and Annie cringed. She had been bruised before the first quarter was over. Now that the game was almost over, she was pretty sure one more hit would snap her arm in two.
    “They are playing really well,” Annie said absently as she looked around again.
    “Playing well? What’s the matter with you? They have led this team to beat the top school in Louisville with an unstoppable offense,” Paige squealed as she hit Annie’s arm again.
    The game had been close until the third quarter, but then Trey and Austin had found their groove and never looked back. The Keeneston crowd gave the team a standing ovation as the clock reached zero.
    Cade shook the hand of the opposing coach and headed for the locker room to celebrate with his team. He looked into the stands and caught Annie’s eye. She shook her head slightly and he grimaced. They hadn’t found anything yet. It would be a long night for Annie, but he’d be waiting for her when she got home.
    Annie paced the small, dark control room in frustration. They had been in there for three hours looking over security footage. By now she could name every person in the town who had showed up to the game. None of them shouted “Drug Kingpin.” They were all the guy or girl next door.
    “These are all my neighbors. It’s none of them. This is pointless,” she growled in frustration.
    “I think you may be right. It’s time to ruffle his feathers. Book the goons, put Gaylen in protective custody, and see if we can’t get the boss to feel a little desperate knowing his
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