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Along Came a Spider

Along Came a Spider

Titel: Along Came a Spider
Autoren: James Patterson
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place on the planet. They come in all shapes and sizes, all races and creeds and genders. That’s the scariest thing of all.
    After I got home that morning, I played some “Rhapsody in Blue,” on the porch. I played Bonnie Raitt’s “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About.” Janelle and Damon hung out and listened to their favorite piano player. Next to Ray Charles, that is. They sat on the piano bench with me. All three of us were content to listen to the music, and let our bodies touch for several moments.
    Later, I headed down to St. A’s for lunch and such. Peanut Butter Man lives.


    I would like to thank Peter Kim, who helped me learn about the private lives, the secrets, and the taboos that still exist all across America. Anne Pough-Campbell, Michael Ouweleen, Holly Tippett, and Irene Markocki gave me more of a feeling for Alex and his life in the Southeast section of D.C. Liz Delle and Barbara Groszewski kept me honest. Maria Pugatch (my Lowenstein) and Mark and MaryEllen Patterson put me back in touch with my half-dozen years working psych at McLean Hospital. Carole and Brigid Dwyer and Midgie Ford helped tremendously with Maggie Rose. Richard and Artie Pine ran with this like the banshees they can be. Finally, Fredrica Friedman was my partner in crime from beginning to end.

Also by James Patterson
    The Thomas Berryman Number
    Black Friday (originally published as Black Market)
    The Midnight Club
    Along Came a Spider
    Kiss the Girls
    Hide & Seek
    Jack & Jill
    Cat &Mouse
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