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Titel: Alexander-Fyn-Sanguinarian
Autoren: Fyn Alexander
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    “I know that, Mr. Harding.”
    “He even fooled you into thinking he had ruined you.”
    She dropped her eyes and blushed furiously, not at the thought of that farce in the church, but at the memory of what he had done since.
    There was no question she was ruined, virgin or not. If she was going to marry anyone she should marry Lord Ravenscroft, not that he would have her now his birthday was past.
    “I’m sorry, my dear, I shouldn’t have said that. But it all goes to show you what a scoundrel he is. The man bought you like a sack of potatoes, for goodness sake.”
    “I don’t think he quite thought of me as a sack of potatoes, Mr.

    Sanguinarian 255
    “He treated you like chattel, Evie. It’s not good enough.” He threw the cloak around her shoulders. “Put these shoes on quickly, it’s starting to snow again. There was a small respite for the last hour or so but we may be in for another storm.”
    Evangeline stepped away from him. “No, they are too big and I’m not going anywhere.”
    “He’s brainwashed you. He has bitten you already. I see the symptoms. I’ve been reading all about vampires. I went to library to study them.”
    “If that is the case then there is no hope for me,” she said impatiently. “And wading through snow up to my knees will not help my symptoms , in which case I am going back to my chamber and you are coming too to hide there until morning when we will get you out of the castle before Lord Ravenscroft slits your throat.”
    “Evangeline, you must obey me. I know what is best for you.”
    Rounding upon him, she said, “Obey you? Why on earth would I feel drawn to do that? You are nothing but a foolish boy who has lived a very small life and will no doubt continue to do so. I would not in a million years trust you to direct my behaviour or tell me what is best for me. You are completely lacking in natural authority, whereas Lord Ravenscroft is a man of vast experience, an intelligent man of steadfast conviction who has learned how to use power very wisely. While he may be bad-tempered on occasion, he has wit enough to know when he has gone too far and to rein himself in. I would trust him with my life. I would be bored stiff within weeks with a man like you!”
    Mr. Harding’s expression became completely blank during her speech. He was either shocked into silence or simply did not understand her. She hardly knew herself where such thoughts had come from. She knew only that she had spoken from her soul and had finally admitted out loud the truth about her own nature. She wanted Raven as her lord and master.

    Fyn Alexander
    Evangeline turned to leave the kitchen, not caring any longer whether Raven discovered James Harding and killed him. As she did so she felt an arm tighten around her waist and a foul smelling cloth press against her nose.
    She fell into blackness.

    * * * *

    Raven had walked the Great Hall for hours before going to his chamber to attempt his usual three or four hours of sleep. He was in desperate need of blood. After having Evangeline willingly feed him for several consecutive days, he felt the need even more strongly, not less.
    Then there was their intimacy, the sweetness of it, the way Evangeline gave herself over to him completely, giving up every vestige of self-will and allowing him complete control. She had trusted him absolutely and then he had spoiled it by trying to make love to her in a cemetery. It wasn’t that he found death erotic, but simply that it was as good a place as any to make love to his lady, dead ancestors or no dead ancestors.
    Evangeline had been horrified and he saw now why she would be.
    They were a different race, after all. When he had quelled his desire long enough to sense her feelings, he knew her disgust and revulsion were overwhelming. He should have seen it. He should have known.
    Pouring a glass of wine, he swallowed it quickly and left his chamber, his long stride bringing him to her door quickly. He knocked, knowing she had probably locked it, and knocked again, growing impatient when he got no answer. What he really wanted to do was to walk in, rouse her, and apologize again. He wanted to say he had not been sensitive enough to their differences. He wanted to tell her again that he loved her, as strange as she was.
    When no sound issued from within, he tried the door handle and found it unlocked. He entered on silent feet, took one look around the Sanguinarian 257
    dark room
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