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A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1)

A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1)

Titel: A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1)
Autoren: Jayde Scott
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never did anything for anyone unless he had something to gain. I
switched on the washing automat and returned to the kitchen to prepare lunch in
case McAllister turned up.
    The sudden noise of heavy footsteps jerked
me out of my thoughts. I turned in time to see my brother’s grinning face in
the doorway.
    “You said half an hour,” I scolded.
    He plopped into a chair and heaved his
booted feet on the kitchen table, dried mud raining down on the polished
surface. “I was in the vicinity.”
    “Of course you were,” I muttered under my
breath. In spite of my annoyance, I was glad to see him. Being all alone made
me a little sentimental.
    “Not bad.” He pointed at the white kitchen
furniture with its black marble counter.
    “What do you want, Dallas?”
    He peered at me from under thick, dark lashes,
his golden skin flushing. “What makes you think I want something? Maybe I’m
just here to check on my little sister, you know, make sure she’s okay and all.”
    “Don’t call me that. You’re only a few
months older.” I shook my head. “Just spit it out.”
    “Okay.” He breathed in and put down his
legs. “There’s something you need to do for me.” I rolled my eyes. There it
was. “No, listen. It’s not just for me,” Dallas continued. “It’s the answer to
all of our problems. You could go to college without worrying about money, and
we could help Mum and Dad pay off their mortgage, and Dad wouldn’t have to work
in that horrid supermarket because he’s too old and can’t find a job in
    “I’m not robbing a bank.”
    “Neither am I.” Dallas inched nearer, his
eyes darting left and right as he started to whisper, “In my new job as an
environmentalist officer—”
    “You’re a what?” I burst into a fit of
laughter. He couldn’t be serious. Until a year ago, Dallas thought recycling
meant giving away plastic bottles to people who couldn’t afford their own.
    “You’re so unbelievably rude. I beat a lot
of competition to get that job.” He glared at me. “Now, are you going to let me
finish, or not?”
    I motioned with my hand, suppressing the
laughter in my throat. “Go on then.”
    He shot me an irritated look before
continuing, “I was walking around the forest, checking for damage to the trees,
when I came across a hut. It was locked so I peered through the window and then
saw something reflecting the light.”
    Pausing, he stared at me, wide-eyed, as if I
just needed to switch on the light bulb over my head to understand what he was talking
    “And? Get on with it,” I said, impatiently.
    “The floor was covered in soil, but—”
he took a deep breath “—the stones were large enough to see. Diamonds,
rubies and the likes, hundreds of them, as big as the palm of your hand. I’m
telling you, we’ll be rich soon.”

Chapter 3

    I crossed my arms over my chest, my mind
unwilling to believe my brother’s sordid proposition. “So you’re telling me you
want us to break into a house and rob it.”
    “No! You’re not getting it.” Dallas shook
his head vehemently. “I didn’t say it was a house. It’s a hut, hidden in the
woods. Whoever’s keeping their stuff there is probably a little shady. After
all, any normal person with nothing to hide would just lock it all in a safe,
wouldn’t they?”
    “Great. You want me to steal from the local
thug. What a delightful way to die.” I turned to face him with a smile. He
couldn’t be serious. “Tell me you’re joking.”
    “No one’s going to die, because no one will
know it was us.” His hazel eyes sparkled as he regarded me. I could feel the
layers of doubt peeling away slowly. He squeezed my hand. “Come on, sis.”
    “What you’re asking of me is just crazy. I
never figured I’d be a jewel thief when I grew up.” I sighed. “All right. I’ll
think about it. So what happens if this heist turns into a disaster? I swear I’m
not going to be caught dead in one of those hideous orange jumpers for twenty
    “I thought orange was your color.”
    “Dallas!” I punched his shoulder.
    “Come on. Do you think I’d let that happen
to my baby sister? You know I got your back.” Laughing, he grabbed me in a hug.
“We could talk about this all day, but there’s not much time, Amber. Who knows
how long they’ll keep the stash hidden.” He threw me that dimpled smile that
always made me give in.
    “What’s the plan then? I’m sure you have
some ridiculous scheme
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