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A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1)

A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1)

Titel: A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1)
Autoren: Jayde Scott
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    “I have to go.” My hand reached out for
her, stroking the almost white blonde hair.
    “That’s okay.” She smiled, her lips
trembled. Her eyes glazed over like a veil covering a window, hiding her very
soul. She was in pain and lost in her past again. “Goodbye, Sofia. We shall
meet again when you’re dead, just like me.”
    Her sister’s name was Sofia. The knowledge
made me walk away briskly, the cold wind clearing my head a little. Twelve
years ago, Mom had become friends with a Distros ghost, right before she left to resume her position as a seraph in heaven. One
day she just disappeared because the pain became so strong she couldn’t live
here with Dad and me any more.
    If Dad found out I conversed with one of
the souls, I’d be in major trouble. Think locking me up for the next ten years
or, even worse, cancel my credit card. My meager Skylife wage wasn’t nearly enough to cover my apartment costs. I knew I must forget
Theo because there was nothing I could do for her. Once she did her time, she’d
be welcomed into heaven. The knowledge consoled me for all of five minutes
during which I took a shower and changed into a clean pair of jeans and a
shirt. Then the feeling of something not quite being right returned again.

    End of Sample. Beelzebub Girl (Ancient
Legends Book Two) by Jayde Scott is out now.

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