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Wilmington, NC 03 - Murder On The Ghost Walk

Wilmington, NC 03 - Murder On The Ghost Walk

Titel: Wilmington, NC 03 - Murder On The Ghost Walk
Autoren: Ellen Elizabeth Hunter
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caught up to her. From now on our relationship would be better, give and take, mutual respect. I didn't have to walk in her shadow any longer.
    Some minutes later she returned with the phone and I was surprised when we got through to 911. "Tell them to call Nick Yost and tell him Teddy Lambston is the murderer and he's getting away," I instructed. The dispatcher assured us we would be rescued, but as we were in no imminent danger, it might take a while. The police and rescue squads ha d their hands full, he said, but he promised to get our message to Detective Yost.
    " OK , let's try to make ourselves comfortable," Melanie suggested. She jerked down the satin coverlet on Shelby's bed and plumped up the pillows, releasing six years of dust. I coughed.
    "Come on," she coaxed. "Get in. I'm so dirty a little dust won't hurt. This is kind of cozy with the candlelight and all."
    It was kind of cozy, like when we were kids and got under the covers with our flashlights. "O K , big sister, now you're trapped. You have to answer me. How did the brooch get inside Shelby's sofa?"
    "All right. I'll tell you. But I'm breaking my promise to Mama."
    "She won't know."
    "Sure enough. O K , well, six years ago after you went off to New York, Daddy started acting pretty peculiar. In hindsight I think he was just missing you. Mama got it in her head he was having an affair with Shelby Campbell because of some photograph she'd seen with Daddy and Shelby together in it. Mama insisted she was going to confront Shelby and I couldn't let her go alone. So we came here. Mama was wearing the brooch and it must have fallen off and got lodged down behind the seat cushion where it's been hidden for all these years."
    I took a deep breath. I had to ask the next question. "And was Daddy having an affair with Shelby?"
    Melanie waved a hand. "No way. Shelby laughed her head off at us. Thought we were a couple of fools. I never was so embarrassed. She said Daddy was a prude. Can you believe it? The photo was taken at some political fund raiser. Mama just went haywire. She always was different."
    I hugged a dusty pillow. "Between the two of them, it's a wonder we're not as crazy as loons."
    Melanie giggled. "We're Southerners, we're supposed to be crazy."
    "So Daddy's accident really was an accident?" I asked timidly.
    Melanie put her arm around me. "Poor baby sister. Have you been worrying about that all these years? Yes, it really was an accident. A witness said a golden retriever ran into the road and Daddy swerved trying to avoid hitting it and hit a tree instead. He might have saved himself if he hadn't tried to save the dog."
    "A dog? Oh, lord, why didn't anyone tell me?"
    "I thought you knew. Poor Ashley, up there in New York all by yourself, worrying about this."
    We were quiet for a moment. Then she said, "Mama missed you so much when you went to New York. You were her baby. She loved you best."
    I couldn't believe my ears. "But I always thought she loved you best, Mel."
    "No, we were too much alike. After you left home, she sat me down one day and told me how special you were. She said how she'd never expected to have a second baby but when you came along, she fell in love with you. You were so sweet, always trying to please everyone. She said when she was gone I should take care of you, that we should take care of each other. I think she knew something was happening to her mind and she was preparing me."
    A loud thump hit the house. Another tree limb down.
    "We do take care of each other, big sis," I said.
    "Sure 'nuff, baby sis." We hugged.
    Another loud thud. "Someone's banging on the door," I whispered, alarmed.
    "It better not be that looney-tunes Teddy," she said.
    "No way is he getting in here. Come on." Carrying the candle, I lead the way down the stairs, crossed the hall, and peered out through the sidelight.
    With a cry, I flung open the door. He stepped inside, reaching for me, and I flew into his arms. He held me tight, one hand caressing my hair. "Thank God you're safe," Nick said. "I got your message and came right away."
    Only then did I realize how wet he was, water dripping from his hair and his bright orange slicker. I didn't care. I hugged him tighter.
    "Did you get him?" I asked.
    "The guys are looking for him. He won't get far in this storm."
    His eyes searched mine. "Oh, God, Ashley I was so worried about you. If you'd been hurt, well, . . . I owe you an apology." Over my head, he said to Melanie, "You too."
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