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Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Titel: Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed
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a deep, rich forest. The scent of green and growing things and the rich loam in the soil permeated the air and made Christophe wonder how creatures of such viciousness and hate could create and control nature’s perfection so beautifully. Then he saw the unhappy faces of several wood sprites, and he knew the truth. The Unseelie Fae could harness, imprison, and control, but none of nature worked willingly in cooperation with them.
    Would it be enough to lead to their downfall? He didn’t know. Millennia of Fae history said the opposite.
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 172 of 188
    As they neared the end of the forest chamber, Christophe heard splashing and laughter like tiny bells.
    Nymphs. He schooled his face to be completely expressionless, in case Fiona was there, too. Nymphs could be fairly outrageous and he’d prefer not to react.
    When they rounded the final tree and came upon the pool, however, it wasn’t Fiona he saw, but her brother. From the looks of him, he was in excellent spirits, too.
    Not to mention stark naked.
    Expressionless didn’t cover this. Christophe had to force himself not to laugh. Luckily the Fae had kept walking and was some distance ahead.
    Declan saw him and turned red, making an attempt to cover himself. “Christophe! Did you come to get me out of here?”
    The nymphs, three of them, all naked as the day they were born and absolutely lovely in their watery play, smiled and beckoned him to come join them.
    He bowed but shook his head. “Alas, ladies, my heart is given to my one true love.”
    They pouted but gave up gracefully. Nymphs could overpower any man’s will except for one who was truly in love. For them to have given up so easily, they must have sensed it powerfully in him.
    “That’s delightful,” one said.
    “Lovely, lovely, love,” the second said, nibbling at Declan’s toes. He turned an even brighter shade of red.
    “We love virgins. Not that he is one, anymore,” the third said, rubbing her breasts on Declan’s back. His groan was heartfelt, but he splashed his way out of the pool and toward Christophe.
    “Can you at least put that thing away?” Christophe tried not to laugh, but it was getting harder.
    “They stole my clothes,” Declan said, covering himself with his hands and hopping back and forth.
    Christophe took pity on him, but they needed to get moving before the Fae changed his mind.
    “Compliment them and then ask about your clothes,” he advised. “But they have to be really flowery compliments. Nymphs love to be flattered. Catch up to me as quickly as you can.”
    Christophe took off without waiting to hear what Declan came up with, and he caught up to Gideon just as the Fae was opening another doorway.
    “He may come with you, since his sister needs to see that he is safe, according to our agreement,” the Fae said, as if bestowing a favor upon a subject. “I will leave the doorway for him to find.”
    Christophe had never wanted anything as badly in his life as he wanted to crush this murdering bastard like the monster he was. Not yet, not yet, not yet. Soon.
    The next chamber was like and yet unlike the first. This, too, was woodlands, but it was forest; ancient and resonating with power. No nymphs would dare frolic here. This was for serious magic. Gideon led Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 173 of 188
    the way through the chamber, and this time a silver throne twined with living vines held center court.
    Seated on it, wearing nothing but a filmy gown, Maeve na Feransel kissed Denal as though her life and future depended on it.
    Christophe almost wanted to turn away from the intimacy of it, but then he remembered how Denal had come to the Summer Lands.
    “Denal,” he called out, careful not to approach the throne. “It’s Christophe. Are you still yourself?”
    Denal slowly raised his head, and Christophe saw that the dark blue of his eyes contained something else. Something more. Fae magic. Intertwined with Atlantean.
    He was too late.
    “I spoke truly and willingly, Christophe. Go home to Atlantis. I have served Maeve as her knight for three Fae years and willingly stay longer still. My duty compels me to honor my promise to her.”
    “Duty? What of your duty to Atlantis?”
    A wave of sadness passed over Denal’s face. “They don’t need me. Maeve does. I belong here, at least for now.”
    Then there was nothing left to say, but for one final thought.
    “Be well, my friend,”
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