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The Teacher's Billionaire

The Teacher's Billionaire

Titel: The Teacher's Billionaire
Autoren: Christina Tetreault
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it’ll help you make your decision.” Placing the envelope on the table, he took a step toward her. “From the sound of the letter, your mother wanted you to meet Warren.” He added the last comment about her mother hoping it would help change her mind. Though he disagreed with Warren’s decision, he’d promised his stepfather that he would set up this meeting. And he planned on doing just that.
    “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight. I can answer any questions you have about Warren. The more you know about him, the easier it will be to make a decision.” The way he figured it the more time he spent with her, the more time he’d have to sway her decision. Once he set up the meeting between her and Warren, he could wash his hands of the situation.
    He was a wealthy politician who sent others to do his errands. What more did she need to know? If he was that anxious to meet her the least he could do was come himself. Yet, she couldn’t complain about his choice of messenger.
    In fact, Callie doubted any woman would complain about finding Dylan Talbot on their doorstep. And as tempting as most would find his offer for dinner, she had to refuse. Not only did she have work to complete, but she didn’t need Warren Sherbrooke’s messenger trying to force her to make a decision she wasn’t ready to make. Even if the messenger was drop dead gorgeous.
    If and when she decided to meet her father, it would be when she felt ready. While she didn’t know when that would be, she knew it wasn’t this weekend.
    “I appreciate the offer, Mr. Talbot. . .” Before she could complete her sentence, Dylan interrupted.
    “Please call me Dylan.”
    Uncomfortable with calling him by his first name, Callie ignored the interruption and continued. “Tonight isn’t a good night. I have a lot of work to do.” She forced herself to meet his steely gray gaze as she spoke. But it wasn’t easy. She’d always found it difficult to lie to someone while looking them right in the face. This fact had always made it nearly impossible for her to lie to her mother. Evidently her mother hadn’t shared the same problem.
    Dylan raised an eyebrow indicating that he didn’t believe her but otherwise didn’t comment.
    I’m not really lying. There are things I need to finish tonight.
“Actually, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave so I can get back to work.”
    “Since you have so much to do, I won’t keep you any longer tonight. But I’ll be in touch.”
    His tone remained polite, but she suspected he was being a bit sarcastic.
    Once Dylan left her apartment she could breathe again. In general strangers made her uncomfortable. But Dylan Talbot gave the word uncomfortable a whole new definition. Usually after meeting with a person a few times, she felt at ease with them. In this case though Callie suspected she could spend a month with Dylan Talbot and still be uneasy.
    So Warren Sherbrooke wanted to meet her, she thought, focusing on something other than her recent guest. It was nearly impossible to believe. She really needed someone to talk to. Another person’s opinion might help her sort some of this out. Unfortunately, her closest friend Lauren wasn’t around. She’d gone to Cape Cod to visit family for the weekend. Who else could she trust? Almost immediately Callie thought of Helen Lee. The woman already knew the truth about her father. She was the perfect choice.
    Callie dialed the phone number. “Mrs. Lee it’s Callie,” she said when the other woman answered.
    “What have I told you about that, Callie. It’s Helen. How are you doing? You’ve been on my mind.”
    How had she been? Confused? Hurt? Shocked? “Still a little in shock,” Callie finally settled on. “You said if I needed to talk again, I could call.”
    “I’ll help in anyway I can. You know that,” Helen answered in her soft motherly voice.
    “It’s about my father. I’m still not sure I want to meet him. Yeah, he’s my father but. . . it’s just so strange, you know. At first I didn’t want to contact him because I thought he would deny I’m his daughter. But he sent someone here today to set up a meeting with me.”
    “That’s a good sign. So when are you meeting him?” Helen’s voice took on an upbeat tone. “I was a little worried he wouldn’t believe Ruth’s letter after all these years.”
    “Even if he does believe Mom’s letter that doesn’t mean he’ll accept me.”
    Helen made a tsking sound. “Why wouldn’t he,
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