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The Teacher's Billionaire

The Teacher's Billionaire

Titel: The Teacher's Billionaire
Autoren: Christina Tetreault
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Ms. Taylor might be enough to prove whether or not she was Warren’s daughter or just someone out for something. Maybe this Callie Taylor learned of her mother’s past relationship with Warren years ago and decided to use it to her advantage now. She could have written the letter and mailed it herself. Obviously his stepfather hadn’t thought of that possibility.
    Several seconds passed before Warren reluctantly nodded. “Do it. But if you don’t make it happen, I will.”
    Dylan didn’t care why his stepfather agreed to his plan. He just wanted to take care of the problem and keep it all from the media.
    Sighing, Callie rubbed her temples and attempted to focus on her work. She still had half a stack of science tests to correct. Unfortunately, she couldn’t focus. In fact she hadn’t been able to focus on much for the past five days. Not since Helen Lee dropped the bombshell about her father in her lap and turned her entire life upside down. After spending her whole life believing that her father died in an accident, Callie didn’t know how to feel now that she knew the truth. If that wasn’t enough he was also an exceedingly rich and powerful man who might be the next President of the United States. News like that would mess with anyone’s head.
    “You should have told me,” she mumbled fingering the gold locket around her neck that her mom had always worn. Anger toward her mom flared momentarily. It seemed to happen every time she thought about how her mom had kept the truth from her. Callie hated lies and secrets. She knew from personal experience that nothing good ever came from them.
    Through the open window Callie heard a car pull into the driveway behind her apartment building. The noise sent Lucky straight to the window for a better look. Shortly afterward there was a strong knock on the door and Lucky bolted toward it. Thankful for the distraction, Callie followed at a somewhat slower pace.
    She didn’t know whom she’d expected when she opened the door, but it wasn’t the large and exceedingly well-dressed dark-haired Adonis standing on the other side. Like a brainless ninny, she stood and gawked at the gorgeous man standing on the landing. An occasional reader of People and Time magazines, she’d seen plenty of pictures of business executive Dylan Talbot. In fact months earlier he’d been voted one of the most eligible bachelors in the United States.
    The man standing at her door could be his identical twin.
They say everyone has a twin.
Her brain just wouldn’t let her consider the possibility it was him because that would mean only one thing, Warren Sherbrooke sent him.
    “Miss Taylor?” the gentleman, dressed in a dark gray suit Callie suspected he hadn’t picked up at Sears, asked.
    “Can. . . can I help you?” Callie stammered out, suddenly forgetting how to speak.
    Lord, you might think she’d never seen a handsome man before
. Not this handsome you haven’t.
    The man offered her a friendly smile that transformed him from gorgeous to downright heart stopping. “I hoped to have a word with you. Warren Sherbrooke sent me.” His voice was deep and laced with a slight English accent.
    Callie’s stomach plummeted. Since talking to Helen Lee she’d tried not to think about Warren Sherbrooke and her unknown family. She was having a difficult enough time dealing with the fact that her mother had lied to her for thirty-one years. But obviously she could not ignore him any longer.
    Under normal circumstances she wouldn’t let a stranger into her apartment, but these weren’t normal circumstances. “Please come in Mr…” She paused accepting the fact that the man was Dylan Talbot and not just a look-alike. Warren Sherbrooke was married to Dylan Talbot’s mother.
    The man pulled open the screen door. “Dylan Talbot.” He supplied extending his hand to her once inside.
    Her friends would never believe Dylan Talbot had been to her apartment. She wouldn’t blame them either. If they told her one the country’s most desirable men had showed up on their doorstep she wouldn’t believe it either. Actually she would probably laugh at them.
So not important now.
    But why exactly was he here? He’d mentioned Warren Sherbrooke. Obviously her father received the letter her mother wrote him. Did he believe it? And if he did why hadn’t he contacted her himself? Why send someone else?

Chapter 2
    Dylan shoved his hands into his pants’ pockets and studied the woman in front of
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