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The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James

The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James

Titel: The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James
Autoren: Walter Starkie
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34, 219 Aghar Machmua (Ibn Khaldun), 24 Agolant, King of Saracens, 39
    Agotes, 267
    Aguiar, Pass of, 289
    Aguila, Xana of, 264-5
    Ahujar, Don Pío, 270
    Aimeric de Peguilhan, no Alava, 139
    Albelda, Battle of, 23 Albi, 90
    Albigensian War, 90-1, 95-6, 101, 108, 110-12
    Albret, Henri, 125
    Albret, Jeanne d’, 123 Alcalá, 183 Alcuin, 91
    Aldobrandini, Cardinal, 221 Alexander III, Pope, 42
    Alexander VI, Pope, 151
    Alfaro, Don Tomás, 167-8
    Alfonso II, King (the Chaste), 20-2
    Alfonso III, King (the Great), 24-5, 132, 233, 246
    Alfonso V, King (of León), 221, 223, 246, 249
    Alfonso VI, King (of Castile and León), 21, 31-5, 107, 140, 184, 203, 218-19, 233, 235, 247, 249, 255, 260-1, 290
    Alfonso VII, King (the Emperor), 41, 130, 203, 216, 229, 249
    Alfonso VIII, King (of Castile), 125, 203, 219, 221-3, 225-6, 247
Alfonso IX, King (of León), 57, 247,
    256, 261
    Alfonso X, King (the Wise), 2, 68, 222-4, 230, 251, 291
    Alfonso XI, King (of León), 221, 223, 254, 315
    Alfonso I, King of Aragon (El Batallador), 130, 132, 144-5, 154-5. 203
    Alfonso V, King of Aragon, 136, 148-9, 151
    Alfonso Sanchez, King, 174
    Algacel, 23
    Ali-ben-Yussef, the Almorávide, 140
    Almanzor al Allah, 26-9, 246, 251, 282, 308
    Almorávides, the, 35
    Alvito, Bishop of León, 29 Alyscamps, Les. See Arles America,, conquest of, 5, 43-4, 187
    Amiens, 148 Andalusia, 14,145
    Andrew, St., 181-2
    Anjou and Maine, Foulques, Count of, 69
    Anó, Matías, 162, 176
    Ansgot, of Burwell, Lincs., 35n.
    Ansó, 141-5, 163
    Antolínez, Martin, 218
    Antonio, Bishop of Athens, 135
    Aragon, kingdom of, 128-9, 132;
    people of, vide Picaud, 138;
    pilgrim road through, 140;
    jota of, 144-5, 291;
    expulsion of Jews from, 181
    Aragon, River, 153-4
    Arbas, 256
    Arconda, 229
    Arenzana, 192-3
    Arga, River, 175, 179

Arguelles, Pepe, 270
    Arlanzón, River, 218-19
    Arles, 81, 85, 88, 90; les Alyscamps, 39. 41. 81, 85-7 Armada, 58
    Arnold, Adam and Fernán, 252 Arrian heresy, 34, 90 Arzúa, 304
    Astorga, 15, 243, 255, 282-5, 288;
    Bishop of, 260 Asturian Alps, 289
    Asturias, resists Moors, 18-20; ghosts of, 242-3, 271-4, 297-8; dishes of, 259; folklore and superstitions of, 259, 264-7; *Holy Ark’ in, 260; music of, 267-8, 291; cowboys of, 267-8; ancient tribes of, 283-5 Atahualpa, 44 Ataún, 173
    Athanasius, Bishop, 16, 18«., 58-9
    Aubanel, 88
    Aubrac, 81
    Auch, 113
    Avignon, 89-90
    Ayala, Pedro Lopez de, 190-1
    Aznar, Count, 128
    Azorin, 198
    Badajos, Juan de, 252 Baeza, Battle of, 249 Balmori, 266 Barallete, 301-2 Barbadelo, 294-5 Barcelona, 149, 244-5 Barcial de la Loma, 280 Bari, 214, 296 Barjamayor, 292 Baroja, Pio, 82, 140 Baronio, Cardinal, 55 Bartholomew, St., 185 Basques, Picaud on, 138-9; smuggling by, 141; give help to Allies, 142, 162; road of St. James, 16; witches of, 168-73; music and dances of, 168-9,173» 291; cures of, 170-1 Bastables, 313
Bayón, Don Fabián, 256 Bayonne, 139, 218, 231 Bayreuth, 136-7 Béarn, lords of, 123-4, 125«. Beaucaire, 89 Bedous, 125
    Bees, miracles of, 214-15, 247;
    superstitions about, 298 Bellotas, the, 263 Belorado, 33, 202, 212 Bembibre, 286 Benedict XIII, Pope, 135 Benedictine Order, 129, 183, 219 Beni-Gómez family, 233 Berceo, 192, 194-8, 202 Berceo, Gonzalo de, 24, 192, 194-6, 198; Milagros of, 197-9 Bercerra, Gaspar, 282 Beria, 264
    Bernadette of Lourdes, n5-19 Bernard, St., 222, 286 Bernardo Quintavalle, 159 Bemardus Gelduinus, 106 Bernesga, River, 256, 275 Berry, 81
    Berta, Doña, of Lombardy, 235
    Béziers, 90, lox
    Bierzo, the, 287-9
    Bigorre, 115, 121; Earls of, 121
    Bilbao, 253
    Biscay, 139
    Black Prince, the, 66, 190-1 Blanche of France (Doña Blanco), 221, 224 Blaye, 39, 41, 82 Bocigas, 178
    Book of St. James (Codex Calixtinus ), 1-2, 38, 39-41. 138-9, 236, 318; hymns in, 63, 75, 3x2, 317 Boorde, Andrew, 6-8, 53, 107, 304; on poisonous rivers, 77, 178; on cock and hen of Santo Domingo de la Calzada, 204-5 Bordeaux, 39, 41, 82, 138; sea-route to, 65-6, 76 Borrow, George, 6-8, 147, 263-4,
    283, 288-9
    Carballo, 301
    Carcassonne, 90, 97, 100-4 Cardenas, River, 198 Carmelite Order, 55-7 Carrión, Infantes of, 233 Carrión, River, 234 Carrión de los Condes, 70, 231-4 Cartagena, 15, 260 Cascantes, 256 Castaneda (Castaniola), 304 Castaneda, Gonzalo de, 279 Castelnaudary, 103 Castile, 31, 2x8; John of Gaunt claims, 73; expulsion of Jews from, 181; people of, 194; poets of, 195; harvesting in, 226-8 Castro, Don Bernardo, 286-7 Castrojeriz, 226, 237 Castroverde, 280 Castroviejo, José María, 320 Catalonia, 144,
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