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The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James

The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James

Titel: The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James
Autoren: Walter Starkie
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studied by Werner Mulertt in Bul. de la Bibl. Menéndez Pelayo, Homenaje a M. Artigas, Madrid, in 1932.

* Libro del Paso Honroso defendido por el excelente caballero S. de Quiñones, Copiado de un libro antiguo por Fr. J. de Pineda, 2ed (Madrid, 1783).

* Luengo, Don Suero de Quiñones El del Paso Honroso ; see also Max von Boehn, La Moda, trad. Marqués de Lozoya (Madrid), p. 204.

* Rúa Nueva, which was on the Jacobean road, still exists in León and in 1934 a plaque was put up commemorating the emprize of Suero de Quinones.

* López Ferrero, Hist, de la Iglesia de Santiago. He says that as the emprize of Quinones is mentioned on the band of silver gilt, which surrounds the neck of the bust of St. James the Less, in the chapel of relics we must believe that the band was left by Quinones himself.

* L. Astrana Marín, Vida Ejemplar v Heroica de M. de Cervantes, Vol. IV.

* R. Ford, op. cit.

* R. Ford, Handbook for Travellers in Spain and Readers at Home (London, 1845), Vol. II, p. 593.

* G. Borrow, op. cit., pp. 211-12.

* J. Caro Baroja, Los Pueblos de España (Madrid, 1946), pp. 319-20.

* R. Ford, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 597.

* Bol. de la Real Academia gallega, memo. 78 and 82, November, 1913 and April 1914, studies these primitive dwellings.

* Yepes, op. cit., Vol. IV, fol. 64.

* El Licenciado Molina, Descripción del Reyno de Galicia (1550), fol. 21.

* A. Bell, Spanish Galicia (London, 1922), p. 19.

* Padraic Colum, The Road Round Ireland (New York, 1927), p. 59.

* Liber Sancti Jacobi, lib. V, Chapter VI, p. 354. ‘Fluvius quidam qui distat de urbe Sancti Jacobi duobus miliariis in nemoroso loco, qui Lavamentula dicitur, id circoquia in eo gens Gallica peregrina ad Sanctum Jacobum tendens, non solum mentulas suas veram etiam totius corporis, sui sordes apostoli amore lavare solet, vestimentis suis expoliata.’

* D. Laffi, ‘Viaggio’, op. cit., pp. 195-6.

* Hebrews, i. 14.
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