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The Mystery on the Mississippi

The Mystery on the Mississippi

Titel: The Mystery on the Mississippi
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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his voice was as cold as ice. “If you have not turned my papers over to the federal agents, and if you will tell me where they are and I can get them back, then I am prepared to set you free. I’ll put you on the highway, and in an hour’s time you will be with friends again. Did you give them to the authorities?”
    Trixie did not even raise her eyes.
    “Will you tell me where they are?” Lontard’s voice grew more urgent.
    Trixie did not answer. She could not. Even if she had wanted to speak, no sound would have passed her lips, for they were paralyzed with terror.
    “Then I must tell you the alternative. I must work fast. Elena does not think little girls should be put in the river. So I will not do that, for her sake.” His lips curled.
    “That is not your reason,” Mrs. Aguilera said. “I fear even more, Pierre Lontard, what you are going to say now.”
    “You are very perceptive, Elena,” Lontard said with frightening sarcasm. “Bodies come to the surface of the river. They do it far too quickly. Fishermen are quick to find them. I cannot take that risk.”
    “So what?” Juan Aguilera asked. “Make it quick. While we talk, the authorities are gaining on us. You think they’re too dumb to translate those pictures you made on that map. I don’t think so. They’ve got what they call ‘cryptographers’ in the government. Maybe you don’t know what that is. Maybe that bird who runs your country doesn’t have ’em. You draw a picture of an old man with a beard in this country, and right away a cryptographer can tell you it’s St. Peter. Same way with all the rest of your artwork.”
    “There has been no evidence that they know anything of any of our secrets up and down the river,” Lontard retorted. “However, it’s plain to me that I’ll get no cooperation out of these two girls. We’ll go from here now.”
    He grasped Trixie’s arm. “Remember the old house where you took refuge in the storm? It’s a beautiful old place... a rest home. That’s where you’re going— a nice little ride up the road, then the beautiful old house. You need a long rest, and you’ll get it there, both of you.”
    Trixie clung tightly to Honey. A glimmer of hope arose. Her brothers and Dan and Jim knew of the old house. They might hunt for them there. But Lontard’s next words brought despair back with a rush.
    “We won’t be able to give you quarters in the house itself, I’m sorry to say. We need it for our business transactions. Outside the house, down a path, there’s a comfortable cave that is well hidden. You will be happy there, I am sure. Of course, we will have to bind you again, arms and feet. A little handkerchief, too, well applied to keep you from making any noise. That’s just in case you may be too particular to be satisfied with your quarters.”
    “For pete’s sake, Lontard, quit your lecturing,” Juan shouted in disgust. “You may like to listen to the sound of your voice, but I’m sick of it. If you’re going to take ’em to the cave, let’s take ’em. Want me to tie ’em up first?”
    “No!” Lontard cried out. “I’ll forget your contemptible remarks and answer them another time. Let them walk. I’ll take care of this one.” He tightened his hold on Trixie’s arm. “You give the other a good strong arm to lean on, Juan. Be a gentleman like me, see?”
    Lontard shoved Trixie out of the door and down the steps.
    Trembling, their knees shaking and almost crumpling under them, the two girls went with their captors. Trixie knew they were going to certain starvation and death. No one will ever find us in that cave , she thought. If they do, it will be too late. Why, oh why, did I ever get into that car with Mr. and Mrs. Aguilera? Why didn’t I wait for the boys? They would have saved me. They always have. Oh, Brian... Dan... Mart... Jim! Trixie let out a terrified shriek.
    Suddenly, miraculously, from the river she heard the shrill whistle of a bobwhite. Then another! And another!
    With bursting hearts, the two girls answered.: Bob-white! Bob-white! Bob-white!

Reward ● 18

    PANIC-STRICKEN, Lontard stiffened in fury. “What goes on here?” he asked, closing his hand over Trixie’s mouth. “Don’t you dare make a sound again!”
    “We’re lost!” Mrs. Aguilera cried out. “That whistle is their club signal! We’re surrounded!”
    On shore a gun cracked. Suddenly the two men released their hold on the captives. With Elena Aguilera following close
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