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The Mystery on the Mississippi

The Mystery on the Mississippi

Titel: The Mystery on the Mississippi
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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magazine. They were in an ad asking for people to adopt one of them—not really to bring them to this country, but to send money every month to take care of them. Do you possibly think the Bob-Whites could do that?”
    “It might cost an awful lot of money,” Trixie said dubiously.
    “There’ll be quite a lot,” Chief Ogilvie said. “There’ll be enough, I think, to take care of a Vietnamese orphan for quite a while.”
    “Imagine—the Bob-Whites foster parents of a real live baby!” Trixie cried. “Wouldn’t it be too perfectly perfect? Do you vote for it?” she asked the boys excitedly.
    Dan’s hand flew up.
    Then Brian’s.
    And Jim’s.
    “It’s okay with me, just so the orphan’s a boy,” Mart shouted.
    “It doesn’t make one bit of difference to me whether it’s a boy or a girl,” Trixie said dreamily. “I guess we’ll take whatever the agency says. It makes this whole trip worthwhile, doesn’t it, Honey?” Honey agreed vigorously.
    Just then a messenger came in to inform Mr. Brandio that his plane was ready to take off.
    Trixie was the last of the Bob-Whites to thank Chief Ogilvie and to say good-bye. “Now I can go home happy,” she said. “This was one of the most exciting trips ever—and I guess we really have something worthwhile to show for it.”

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