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The Mermaids Madness

The Mermaids Madness

Titel: The Mermaids Madness
Autoren: Jim C. Hines
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her head. “Give me the wind and the rolling of the deck beneath my feet.”
    Danielle groaned. “I’ll take the bed, I think.”
    “I wanted to thank you, Danielle.” Beatrice’s voice was somber.
    “Snow was the one who freed you from the knife. And Talia—”
    “That’s not what I meant. Don’t misunderstand, I’m grateful to be free.” She looked back at Snow and Talia, who were still bickering. “Neither of those women trust easily, but they trust you. For several years, I’ve worried what would become of them after I’m gone. You’ve eased that fear. For that , I thank you.”
    Theodore chuckled and added, “That and helping us avoid all-out war, of course.” He kissed Beatrice on the cheek.
    Danielle turned to stare at the water. “So is this what the queen does? Rescue princesses and prevent wars?”
    “You didn’t think the job was all balls and banquets, did you?” Beatrice’s eyes twinkled.
    Danielle watched the waves breaking against the Phillipa . “Lannadae is so young. Snow said her scent wasn’t yet strong enough to control the tribe, and she’s been through so much. Will she be—”
    “Lannadae is stronger than she knows. She has a kind heart, and she cares for her people. For now, they will stay with her because they choose to. Because they know she came back to protect them.” Beatrice squeezed Danielle’s hand. “She may feel uncertain, even scared, but she will be a good queen.”
    Danielle flushed. “I . . . imagine she must feel overwhelmed. There’s so much to learn.”
    “There always is,” Beatrice said, smiling. “But thanks in part to you and your companions, she already knows those things that are most important.”
    Before Danielle could answer, Beatrice took her hand and tugged her from the rail. “Now come, I want you to try your hand at the wheel.”
    “I don’t know how—”
    Beatrice’s eyes sparkled. “Princess Danielle, do you remember what I told you when you said you didn’t know how to swim?”
    Danielle swallowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
    “That’s more like it.” Beatrice took Theodore’s hand, allowing him to help her down from the forecastle. “The voyage home is far too short, and there’s much I intend to teach you.”
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