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The Invisible Ring

The Invisible Ring

Titel: The Invisible Ring
Autoren: Anne Bishop
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IDIOT! Do you realize how lucky you were that whoever unleashed that Jewel didn’t go for your heart or your brain?” He shook her hard enough to make her squeal. “You could have been killed! Who—”
    She didn’t have to answer.
    Talon strode down the street, stepping over Hayllian bodies, kicking pieces out of his way.
    Did Talon even see them? Jared wondered as he leaped up to intercept the furious Warlord Prince.
    “Damn you, Lia, I did as you asked!” Talon roared. “A strike to the belly. Not even a fast, clean kill, but a strike to the belly !” His eyes filled with tears. “Damn you for cutting out my heart, I did as you asked!”
    Jared grabbed Talon’s shoulders. “It was a trick, Talon. This is Thera, and she’s all right. It was a trick .”
    Talon made a slashing gesture with his hand. “Then what’s all that spewed in the street?”
    “Pig guts,” Thera muttered, scrubbing harder.
    They stared at her.
    She cringed.
    Maybe it was mean-spirited, but after the scare she’d given him, Jared relished being able to intimidate her.
    “Pig guts?” Talon said in disbelief.
    “Pig guts,” Jared said, nodding slowly. “When they butchered the pigs yesterday morning, our little Black Widow toddled away with two large buckets of offal.” He smiled at Thera.
    She whimpered.
    Talon’s soft snarl grew to a roar. “I should take you over my knee and wallop some consideration into you!”
    “Once the Hayllians surrounded the village, this was the only way we could win the fight,” Thera said with a bit of her normal fire.
    “You could have told us,” Jared snarled.
    “You would have yelled at us, and we didn’t have time for that.”
    He and Talon did more than yell. With their arms locked around each other, Jared wasn’t sure if he was holding Talon back or if Talon was holding him.
    “Why are you blaming just me?” Thera wailed. “I saw the warnings in the tangled web, but I’m not the only one who planned this.”
    That stopped them cold.
    “Lia,” Jared said softly. Releasing Talon, he turned in a slow circle and finally looked, really looked at what a Gray-Jeweled Queen could do.
    “She mustn’t see this,” Talon said grimly. “She hasn’t had time to become comfortable with the power she carries inside her now. This could cripple her. Someday she’ll have to unleash the Gray again, and if she won’t because of this, it could cost Dena Nehele dearly.”
    Jared turned back to Thera and saw the exhaustion and how hard she was holding on to some emotional control. “Where?” he asked quietly.
    “The dance ring,” Thera said wearily. “She’s in the dance ring. We put a cold spell around it when we went for a walk the other day so that no one would want to go into it.”
    Jared ran.
    He saw his uncle Yarek and Thayne and a few other villagers come out of the buildings and look around, dazed.
    He heard Blaed shouting Thera’s name.
    He heard someone running behind him and knew it was Talon.
    Please , he thought as he ran. Sweet Darkness, please don’t let her walk out of the dance ring and see this .
    He leaped over a body and ran up the slope. He hit a wall of air cold enough to make his breath hitch, but it vanished as soon as he went through it.
    Reaching the crest, he skidded to a stop.
    Talon joined him, breathing hard.
    Lia sat near the center of the ring, her legs spread wide, her hands clutching her chest.
    “Lia,” Jared breathed.
    He rushed down to the dance ring and dropped to his knees between her legs. “Lia?” Cautiously, he reached out to touch her but didn’t quite dare. “Lia?”
    Her blank eyes stared at him.
    Talon went down on one knee beside her.
    Lia blinked. Blinked again.
    Hesitantly, Jared rested his hand on her thigh. “Lia?”
    “It knocked me down,” she said, pouting.
    She sounded like a little girl whose best friend had snatched her favorite toy.
    “It knocked me down,” she said again. She lowered her hands.
    Jared looked at the Gray Jewel smeared with blood. His blood. That’s how she had keyed her Gray power to recognize the psychic web and not destroy everyone connected to it.
    And the Blood shall sing to the Blood—and through the blood. Thank the Darkness.
    “It’s mine,” she pouted. “It shouldn’t knock me down.”
    “It was the backlash, sweetheart,” Talon said gently.
    *Did it damage her?* Jared asked on a spear thread.
    Talon hesitated, then shook his head. *I think she’s just dazed. Even with a Gray shield around her, she must have taken a vicious hit.*
    Humming softly, Lia
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