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The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus Book 4)

The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus Book 4)

Titel: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus Book 4)
Autoren: Rick Riordan
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Leo in darkness.
    Leo fell to his knees, clutching at his throat.
    ‘No!’ Hazel ran towards him, but Gale chattered urgently on her shoulder – a clear warning.
I would not.
’ Clytius’s voice reverberated from Leo’s mouth. ‘
You do not understand, Hazel Levesque. I devour magic. I destroy the voice and the soul. You cannot oppose me.

    Black fog spread further across the room, covering Annabeth and Percy, billowing towards Hazel.
    Blood roared in Hazel’s ears. She had to act – but how? If that black smoke could incapacitate Leo so quickly, what chance did she have?
    ‘F-fire,’ she stammered in a small voice. ‘You’re supposed to be weak against it.’
    The giant chuckled, using Annabeth’s vocal cords this time. ‘
You were counting on that, eh? It is true I do not like fire. But Leo Valdez’s flames are not strong enough to trouble me.

    Somewhere behind Hazel, a soft, lyrical voice said, ‘What about
flames, old friend?’
    Gale squeaked excitedly and jumped from Hazel’s shoulder, scampering to the entrance of the cavern where a blonde woman stood in a black dress, the Mist swirling around her.
    The giant stumbled backwards, bumping into the Doors of Death.
,’ he said from Percy’s mouth.
    ‘Me,’ Hecate agreed. She spread her arms. Blazing torches appeared in her hands. ‘It has been millennia since I fought at the side of a demigod, but Hazel Levesque has proven herself worthy. What do you say, Clytius? Shall we play with fire?’


    I F THE GIANT HAD RUN AWAY SCREAMING, Hazel would’ve been grateful. Then they all could have taken the rest of the day off.
    Clytius disappointed her.
    When he saw the goddess’s torches blazing, the giant seemed to recover his wits. He stomped his foot, shaking the floor and almost stepping on Annabeth’s arm. Dark smoke billowed around him until Annabeth and Percy were totally hidden. Hazel could see nothing but the giant’s gleaming eyes.
Bold words.

Clytius spoke from Leo’s mouth. ‘
You forget, goddess. When we last met, you had the help of Hercules and Dionysus – the most powerful heroes in the world, both of them destined to become gods. Now you bring … these?

    Leo’s unconscious body contorted in pain.
    ‘Stop it!’ Hazel yelled.
    She didn’t plan what happened next. She simply knew she had to protect her friends. She imagined them behind her, thesame way she’d imagined new tunnels appearing in Pasiphaë’s Labyrinth. Leo dissolved. He reappeared at Hazel’s feet, along with Percy and Annabeth. The Mist whirled around her, spilling over the stones and enveloping her friends. Where the white Mist met the dark smoke of Clytius, it steamed and sizzled, like lava rolling into the sea.
    Leo opened his eyes and gasped. ‘Wh-what …?’
    Annabeth and Percy remained motionless, but Hazel could sense their heartbeats getting stronger, their breath coming more evenly.
    On Hecate’s shoulder, Gale the polecat barked with admiration.
    The goddess stepped forward, her dark eyes glittering in the torchlight. ‘You’re right, Clytius. Hazel Levesque is not Hercules or Dionysus, but I think you will her find just as formidable.’
    Through the smoky shroud, Hazel saw the giant open his mouth. No words came out. Clytius sneered in frustration.
    Leo tried to sit up. ‘What’s going on? What can I –’
    ‘Watch Percy and Annabeth.’ Hazel drew her
. ‘Stay behind me. Stay in the Mist.’
    ‘But –’
    The look Hazel gave him must have been more severe than she realized.
    Leo gulped. ‘Yeah, got it. White Mist good. Black smoke bad.’
    Hazel advanced. The giant spread his arms. The domed ceiling shook, and the giant’s voice echoed through the room, magnified a hundred times.
the giant demanded. It sounded as if he were speaking through a chorus of the dead, using all the unfortunate souls who’d been buried behind the dome’s stelae.
Because the girl has learned your magic tricks, Hecate? Because you allow these weaklings to hide in your Mist?
    A sword appeared in the giant’s hand – a Stygian iron blade much like Nico’s, except five times the size.
I do not understand why Gaia would find any of these demigods worthy of sacrifice. I will crush them like empty nutshells.
    Hazel’s fear turned to rage. She screamed. The walls of the chamber made a crackling sound like ice in warm water, and dozens of gems streaked towards the giant, punching
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