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The Flesh Cartel - Episode #4: Consequences

The Flesh Cartel - Episode #4: Consequences

Titel: The Flesh Cartel - Episode #4: Consequences
Autoren: Rachel Haimowitz , Heidi Belleau
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seemed to understand it was a rhetorical question. He held his tongue. The fury in his
    eyes burned down.
    “I will teach you pleasure today, Douglas, regardless of what you want. But first I’ll teach you to undress your master properly. This suit I’m wearing is terribly expensive. You must learn to care for
    it as well as me.” He stood. Held his hand out again. Reminded, firmly, “Consequences, Douglas.”
    The boy took his hand, let himself be pulled to his feet. Listened attentively as Nikolai walked
    him through undressing him as a groom or valet might have, if the valet had been servicing his master
    in other ways. Care for the clothing, yes—hanging every item precisely in the closet, brushing away
    the lint and the wrinkles—but care for Nikolai’s arousal, as well, kissing and caressing each freshly
    exposed patch of skin, worshipping but never rushing toward climax. And yes, Nikolai was definitely
    aroused. The anticipation was doing wonderful things to him, would have been doing those wonderful
    things even if Douglas weren’t such a delectably appetizing little specimen.
    When he was naked, he stood still a moment just to see what his new boy would do. Douglas
    kept his eyes averted like a good, little slave, but Nikolai suspected it had less to do with knowing his place and more to do with embarrassment and shame. Either way, it was well past time for Nikolai to
    collect on what he was owed.
    “Crawl up onto the bed now, Douglas. Face down, legs spread. Ass up nice and high for me.”
    Douglas, lulled by the hypnosis of orders stacked on orders, went to the bed as if without
    registering what he’d been asked to do. It was only once he was in the position Nikolai had
    commanded that he seemed to wake up to the reality of his situation and begin to tremble.
    “This doesn’t have to hurt. Nothing with me ever has to hurt. You may actually go so far as to
    enjoy this, if you let yourself. I want you to remember that.”
    Douglas’s small hands fisted the sheets, his back arching. “Yes sir,” he mumbled against the
    Nikolai let himself groan when he climbed up onto the bed behind his new pet. The view was
    lovely. So perfectly pale and still nearly smooth from Madame’s wax job. So lovely, in fact, that
    Nikolai found himself fighting back a disconcertingly animal impatience to feel himself buried deep.
    “I want to see you. Use both hands to spread yourself. Don’t lift your head.”
    Douglas’s hands untangled from the sheets, reached back, and clutched to his own ass cheeks.
    Exactly like his brother had—white-knuckled and trembling. The difference here, of course, being
    that Nikolai had been quite certain Douglas would obey.
    And this ass, unlike his brother’s, was soft, smooth, unmarred by damage, pink and tight-looking.
    Nikolai would have to treat it kindly to keep it in that condition. Not really a hardship, honestly. He wanted to make the boy feel good, make him forget all his sadness, his fear, his pain. He had no
    desire to hurt the boy, hoped Douglas wouldn’t force his hand.
    The boy was clean, still smelled of soap from a recent washing. Nikolai settled comfortably
    between Douglas’s thighs and placed a gentle kiss on one cheek, right above Douglas’s shaking
    fingers. “Deep breath,” he said. “I really don’t intend to hurt you. Quite the contrary, in fact.”
    The commanded deep breath was as shaky as the boy’s hands. Best to give him something on
    which to focus all that nervous energy.
    “Pay attention now,” Nikolai said, still gentle, but firm too. “Very soon, you’ll be expected to do
    this yourself, so best to get the basics down before that time comes.”
    “Wh-what are you going to do, sir? Why are you . . .?”
    “Shhh. You can’t very well concentrate if you’re talking .” Another kiss to the boy’s left buttock.
    He shooed Douglas’s hands away, replaced them with his own. Spread him wide and blew a stream
    of warm air in his crack. “Think of your master’s body as a shrine at which he deigns you worthy
    enough to worship. You will not always be so privileged. But when you are, you must never forget what an honor you’ve been given—or that you’re bowing before a god who must be pleased.”
    Another kiss, wetter and closer to his hole. Douglas shivered beneath him, as if fighting against
    his own urge to flee. He very likely was. Nikolai mouthed the delectable flesh, bit down softly—not
    hard enough even to
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