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Summer Fever

Summer Fever

Titel: Summer Fever
Autoren: Catt Ford
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want to get my ass kicked up here in the sticks because someone –” I stopped abruptly.
    “The sticks don’t have a monopoly on assholes,” Russ said gently.
    “You kiss a lot of men out in the open up here?” I asked belligerently.
    “I’ve never kissed anyone outdoors in daylight before,” he admitted, as if it surprised him too. “I don’t know why I want to. It just feels right.” 33

    Summer Fever | Catt Ford

    It did feel right and I let myself get pulled into his arms. Damn, he knew how to kiss.

    WHEN I came up here, I’d expected to be alone for three weeks. I didn’t expect to see anyone, other than maybe a run to get groceries. So I shouldn’t have felt lonely because Russ had to work.
    I didn’t know any cops in the city, but I understood it was a draining job, even out in the sticks. I just wondered why he didn’t call or come by even for just a few minutes after he got off work.
    So when Wednesday and Thursday passed without a word from him, I figured that was it. And I couldn’t really complain; after all I didn’t want a full-time relationship. I wasn’t ready to settle down yet. There was a lot of cock to chase in the world.
    Gradually I calmed myself down and settled into the groove of relaxation. I didn’t turn on the TV or radio, I just lived each moment in the sun and water.
    But when I heard a knock at the door on Friday, I realized just how much I’d been hoping to see Russ again. I leaped to my feet and hurried to the door, stopping myself from yanking the door open. I didn’t want to betray myself like that.
    I could tell he was in a different mood today as soon as I saw him. He pulled me against him and kissed me roughly. I liked it.
    He broke the kiss and took my arm in a steely grip. “Come on.” I managed to shut the door and then he was dragging me out back to the screened in porch.

    Summer Fever | Catt Ford

    “Strip!” he ordered.
    “It’s daylight outside!” I hissed at him angrily. “What if someone drives up –”
    “We’ll be sitting down. They won’t be able to see in,” he said. He was wearing his uniform and exuding an aura of macho domination, which was incredibly hot. I didn’t want to do as he said, but I was curious and wanted to see if he could carry out this whole dom scene he seemed to have planned.
    I took off my shirt and paused. He reached out and twisted one of my nipples, making me yelp in surprise.
    “I told you to strip. Take ’em off, or I’ll strip you myself.” His lips curled in a wicked smile and I hurried to comply, sensing I might not like it if he took matters into his own hands. I kicked off my sneakers and pushed my shorts down, along with my boxers and stepped out of them, waiting expectantly for him to start undressing.
    Instead he smirked at me and sat down on the chaise, undoing his pants. He pushed them down his thighs along with his tighty whiteys, except they were navy with white piping and totally hot the way they cupped his package. He pushed his shirt up and stroked his stomach idly, as if he knew the fascination his abs held for me.
    “Come here and sit down.” He patted his lap with a leer.
    I came to him slowly, gasping as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I gasped again as his mouth closed around my cock, springing into hardness immediately. He sucked strongly, hollowing his cheeks. I thrust into his mouth and he released me.
    “Come on, sit down.”

    Summer Fever | Catt Ford

    “What if I don’t want to?” I asked even as I felt him pull me off balance. I fell across his lap and struggled in a moment of panic, thinking he was going to spank me. He did pat my butt in a doting way. It was a target he could hardly miss, seeing as it was stuck up in the air as I squirmed.
    “Tonight it’s about what I want. You remember what I told you, right?”
    I nodded mesmerized, relieved when he let me up. He lifted one of my legs, exposing everything as he arranged me to straddle him facing him. I blushed, suddenly realizing that I was naked while he was mostly dressed.
    He grinned as he watched the red spread over my face, as if he knew what I was thinking. “My turn tonight,” he said again.
    He pulled my hands forward and placed them behind his neck. “Keep them there until I say you can move them.”
    “What if I don’t want to?” I muttered, but I didn’t move my hands.
    “I have handcuffs on me. We can do it that way if you’d rather.” I must have looked wildly startled
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