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Summer Fever

Summer Fever

Titel: Summer Fever
Autoren: Catt Ford
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nodded, shaking as the cramping pain passed off. I allowed my weight to help me bear down on him, impaling myself on his cock. It hurt, but it was a good pain, heralding the pleasure to come.
    His hips started to move and he thrust up inside me slowly, giving me time to adjust. Feeling him moving inside me just blew me away, there was such a connection between us. After going all dom on me, he was being so gentle, taking his time and I felt every inch of him stretching me.
    He was thick enough that each movement rubbed his cock over my prostate, sending sparks to my cock. I was delirious with pleasure.
    Because of the way my weight bore me down on him, he reached depths inside me that no one ever had.
    He knew how to fuck, too.
    He held onto my hips and I rocked slowly, matching my movements to the motion of his fucking so we were moving as one. Usually I liked to be the one in control, even if I was the one getting fucked. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘topping from the bottom.’ Check the small print, because my name is mentioned there.

    Summer Fever | Catt Ford

    He took control from the minute he walked in the door and I let him. It felt good to have someone taking care of my pleasure like that, although maybe a little scary. I tried to pick up the pace, but he wouldn’t let me. He just stared at me and kept sliding his cock in and out of my passage torturously slowly.
    I was hard as the proverbial rock, my dick jumping between us. I gasped and moaned as he ploughed me deep.
    Usually I don’t like to let people watch my face. At first I’d been nervous about our exposed location on the screened porch, although sitting down as we were, probably only our heads and shoulders were visible, although the way we were moving would have left an observer in no doubt as to what we were doing.
    But Russ was so open and generous himself he broke through all my defenses. I found myself wanting to give him something, to let him see the pleasure he was bringing me.
    I leaned forward and kissed him. He opened his mouth and our tongues played between our lips as he continued to glide into me.
    The stimulation of his dick stroking over my prostate made my raging erection jerk between our bodies and I felt his stomach shake as he began to chuckle even though he was breathing as heavily as I was.
    His fingers dug into my hips almost painfully and he started to move faster. I clenched my muscles around him as he pushed inside, hoping to heighten the sensation for him.
    He filled me like I never had been before, with something more than just his rigid flesh. Each thrust pushed me closer to the edge of what felt like a fucking cliff, I was so high with the rapture of our joining. My muscles tensed and I arched back, lifting my face and exposing my neck. I felt him lean forward and run his tongue over my throat before he bit 40

    Summer Fever | Catt Ford

    down on the tender part between my neck and shoulder. The nip of his teeth, his cock filling me and the way his stomach rubbed against my cock tipped me over the edge and I was falling way too fast.
    I started to come and I heard a sound that I’d never heard myself make before, breathless, passionate, astounded. I spurted over his stomach, imagining his muscles glistening with my release.
    He held me close and I felt the pulse of his cum inside me as he erupted. I felt the heat even through the condom, and I felt he had marked me, inside and out.
    The blood was pounding in my ears and I went limp against him. He didn’t seem too energetic in that moment either, but that was fine by me.
    He was still buried inside me, still hard while his hands stroked my back gently. He didn’t speak and I was grateful. I had no idea what to say.
    Something momentous had happened to me, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to acknowledge it, like maybe it would just away if we ignored it.
    “One hot little devil,” he said softly.
    “Not so fucking little.”
    I rubbed my cheek against his shoulder, feeling wetness. Sweat, no doubt. “So what do you want to do now?”
    “Sit here. Hold you. Maybe kiss you.” Damn. A romantic. The cynical side of me wanted to say something to cut the atmosphere, but the weird fluttery feeling in my stomach kept me from opening my mouth. “Mmm,” I sighed.
    “You should see yourself when you come,” Russ said. He lifted his hand to stroke my hair.

    Summer Fever | Catt Ford

    “Why, did I make a funny face?”
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