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Stuart Woods_Stone Barrington 12

Stuart Woods_Stone Barrington 12

Titel: Stuart Woods_Stone Barrington 12
Autoren: Dark Harbor
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    ISBN: 978-1-1012-1067-3

    Copyright © Stuart Woods, 2006
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This book is for Kristin Larkin.

    Stone Barrington had already had a drink and had almost given up on Dino Bacchetti. It was unlike his former NYPD partner, now the lieutenant in charge of the detective squad at the 19th Precinct, to be late for eating or drinking. Stone was signaling a waiter for another drink and a menu when Dino trudged in.
    â€œWhy are you trudging?” Stone asked.
    â€œI’m trudging because I’m depressed,” Dino said, waving at a waiter and making drinking motions.
    â€œAnd why, pray tell, are you depressed?”
    â€œMary Ann and I have just split.”
    â€œYeah, sure,” Stone said. “Just sleep on the sofa tonight, and everything will be fine in the morning.”
    â€œNot this time,” Dino replied, drinking greedily from the glass set before him. “Words were spoken that can’t be taken back.”
    â€œTake it from a lawyer,” Stone said, “the only words spoken that can’t be taken back are ‘Guilty, Your Honor.’”
    â€œThose were pretty much the words,” Dino said.
    â€œAnd who spoke them?”
    â€œWho the fuck do you think?” Dino asked. “You think she would ever cop to anything ?”
    â€œWhat did you plead guilty to?”
    â€œTo the new desk sergeant at the precinct.”
    Stone’s eyebrows went up. “Dino, are you switch-hitting these days?”
    â€œA girl desk sergeant.”
    â€œSo the sofa is not an option?”
    â€œNah. I guess I’m moving in with you.”
    Stone blinked loudly.
    â€œRelax. It’s only ’til I can find a place.”
    â€œStay as long as you like, Dino,” Stone said, patting his arm and hoping to God it wouldn’t be more than a day or two before Mary Ann relented and let him back in the house.
    â€œThanks, pal, I appreciate it.” Dino nodded toward the door. “Look who’s coming.”
    Stone looked toward the door to find Lance Cabot and Holly Barker
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