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Somebody's Lover: The Jackson Brothers, Book 1

Somebody's Lover: The Jackson Brothers, Book 1

Titel: Somebody's Lover: The Jackson Brothers, Book 1
Autoren: Jasmine Haynes
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other line was busy. Inconsequential. All that mattered was getting to Jamey. And never again leaving him alone.
    She parked in the hospital lot without getting a scratch on the minivan. She ran across the pavement without losing her sandals or falling. She performed with perfect execution.
    She would be the perfect mother from now on. As soon as she made sure her sons were all right.

    * * * * *

    Taylor wasn’t in the emergency room when he got to the hospital, but he’d parked next to her van in the lot, so Jace knew she’d made it there safely. His mom entered through a door on the right. Dad, Connie, Mitch, David, and the kids were clustered in the corner. Nobody saw him.
    “Taylor’s with him. He’ll be fine. He broke his arm.”
    Jesus, thank you, God. He wasn’t dead, he wasn’t maimed.
    Connie started crying. The way she was nestled into Mitch’s arms, Jace figured she’d started and stopped several times. “It’s all my fault, Mom. I wasn’t watching carefully enough.”
    His mom snorted. “Kids are kids. They’re into trouble before you see the smoking gun. Mitchie, take your wife home.”
    Mitch hadn’t been Mitchie since he was nine, which only went to show the stress his mom was feeling.
    Then she saw him. “Jace, where were you? I kept calling.”
    David had obviously kept his mouth shut, though now, seated next to Dad, he glowered through slitted eyes. He could ask David to keep Taylor’s secret, Jace’s secret. He could hope Taylor would let him close enough to try again. He could lie to his family. And keep on lying until Taylor either blew him off or said she couldn’t live without him.
    He might have gone on hoping if Taylor hadn’t walked through the door at that moment, Jamey’s right hand securely in hers, the little guy’s left arm in a sling.
    “Jace was with me.”
    The entire family stared at her. Taylor didn’t offer an explanation, but her tone told them the story. Her stark eyes revealed everything. He hadn’t been over there fixing her faucet or riding her lawn mower, and she was done lying about it. She was done with him.
    “Come on, Bri, let’s go home. Connie, thanks for bringing Jamey to the hospital.”
    “I’m so sorry, Taylor.”
    Taylor shrugged off the apology. “Don’t be silly. Jamey’s fine. You acted quickly.” Easy words, but she’d aged five years since this morning when she’d told Jace to fuck her. “Mom, Dad, thanks for coming. I’m glad you were here for the boys.”
    His mom answered her. “We’re always here, Taylor.”
    “My butt hurts sitting on these chairs, Mom.” Peter bounced to his feet. “Can we go home now?”
    Mitch took his boy’s hand, then Connie’s. “Sure.” He turned to Taylor. “We really are sorry, Taylor.”
    “I know. It’s over now. Don’t worry.”
    Then Connie scooped Rina into her arms and followed Mitch.
    Taylor turned to Evelyn. “I’ll call you and let you know how Jamey’s doing.”
    “Give him those pain pills if he needs them.”
    “I will. Bri?” Taylor held out her hand, and her son took it. Jace watched her until she disappeared around the corner.
    It’s over now. Don’t worry.
    She’d referred to far more than the terror of those moments when David said Jamey was hurt. Knowing that, he died inside.
    He’d almost messed irreversibly with her life again. Almost. God had been on their side this time.
    Jace would make sure it never happened again.

Chapter Thirteen

    Jace never expected his dad would be the one to ask.
    “What were you and Taylor doing together?”
    They’d left the emergency room together, halfway to his truck, halfway to the rest of his life without Taylor. Would she even let him see the boys?
    “What do you think he was doing, Dad? Changing her oil?”
    “David.” Mom gave his brother the evil eye.
    But David didn’t give a shit. Not this time. “David what? David, don’t tell the truth? David, don’t hurt him? Somebody should have told him the truth three years ago.”
    She backed away in the face of his fury. “David, please.”
    “He was screwing her, Mom. In his own brother’s bed. He was screwing Lou’s wife.”
    Jace balled his fists. “Don’t talk about her like that.”
    “Like what? Like she wasn’t fucking her husband’s brother.”
    “Stop it, you two,” his mom cried.
    No one listened to her.
    Jace wanted to smash his brother’s face. He would have if Mom wasn’t there.
    “Lou’s dead. She has a right to a life.” Even
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