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Small Talk Englisch

Small Talk Englisch

Titel: Small Talk Englisch
Autoren: Helga Kansy
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wouldn't mind playing with the boys, would she?
    Peter: Not at all. She's a tough kid and very competitive.
Useful phrases
    Type of sports / Sportarten
Swim events, be it breaststroke or butterfly, are fun to watch on TV. Why don't you join me to watch the championships?
To be honest, I could live without formula one races, but they are a nine days' wonder, wherever one goes.
I can only hope that you find a good tennis coach for your son. He's very talented and should make the most of it.
Mike is usually a sport, but when he plays rugby, he turns into a beast.
    Sports equipment / Sportausrüstung
Good tennis rackets are still quite expensive, so I tend to borrow mine, since I don't play very often.
I'm at a loss as to where to buy boxing gloves. Boxing equipment is still scarce.
It takes a skilled hand to use a hockey stick and lots of practice to score many goals.
If you play golf in Germany, you are usually considered to be well-off. In other countries golf is a sport for the masses.
    Idioms with sports language / Redewendungen aus dem Sport
We have to level the playing field (football).
That's par for the course (golf).
The ball's in your court (tennis).
It's back to square one (board games).
    General sports expressions / Allgemeine Ausdrücke im Sport
Ready, steady, go! (Also: On your marks, get set, go!)
She made it into the finals and became the youngest runner-up ever.
It's time to play fair and be a good sport!
In tennis, cricket and baseball the umpire oversees rules and regulations.
In football, boxing, basketball, etc, the referee or ref is in charge of fair play.
    Cars / Autos
Imagine, in the middle of nowhere my car had a flat tire.
    No garage / service station nearby! It really drove me nuts.
If you ask me, the best service in town is at the gasstation on Forrest Park Avenue, just two minutes from here.
I usually fill up the tank and check the oil and brake fluid before driving up north with a borrowed / rented car.
I'd like to rent a small size car for two weeks and unlimited mileage.
    Car enthusiastics / Autofans
I just love their new sports car. It accelerates in no time.
I think the car makers should come up with an idea. If you ask me, most modern car types look very much the same.
My car is a real lemon. I doubt that it will pass inspection.
It's a real treat to drive a longer distance in an air-conditioned car.
Our new car is a stick shift. I'm not too fond of it because now I have trouble backing the car out of the garage.
The latest model of the S class is a convertible with airbags and air conditioning as standards. The car's a dream.
    Traveling by car / Autoreisen
Our weekend was nothing special. We drove our old station wagon to visit our parents in the countryside.
The country road was pretty windy and suddenly there was a moose that seemed to appear from nowhere.
This year's family reunion will be at my cousin's. She lives out in the middle of nowhere with no bus station nearby.
Thus, we need to rent some mini vans to get the whole gang up there.
This isn't out of your way? – No absolutely not; I live just three blocks away.
Honey, let's turn around: I'm afraid we missed the right exit.
    Generell Car-related Topics / Allgemeines zum Auto
We really got a very good deal on our second car: I advise you to take your time and shop around. It's worth it.
Whenever my husband and his best friend talk shop about cars, I take my leave because I don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about.
If you ask me, the trouble in any country of huge dimensions is an underdeveloped public transportation system.
I'm always on the go. I feel like the parental chauffeur, getting my kids from here to there.
    Kulturelle und sprachliche Tipps
    Das Wetter
    Auch wenn das Wetter immer für einen kleinen Kommentar gut ist, sollte man nicht vergessen, dass das Wetterempfinden kulturell sehr unterschiedlich geprägt ist. Wer in Arizona lebt, ist 40-45 Grad Celsius (104-122 Grad Fahrenheit), dry heat (trockene Hitze) gewöhnt. High humidity (hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit) von 70 und mehr Prozent kann allerdings schon 25 Grad Celsius (77 Grad Fahrenheit) als unangenehm warm erscheinen lassen.
    Wenn Sie centigrade nach Fahrenheit umrechnen wollen, nehmen Sie die Celsius-Temperatur mal neun, dividieren das Ergebnis durch fünf und addieren den Faktor 32. Umgekehrt ziehen Sie den Faktor 32 ab, multiplizieren mit fünf und teilen dann durch neun. D.h. 25 Grad Celsius sind in etwa 77 Fahrenheit und 5 Grad Fahrenheit sind
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