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Small Talk Englisch

Small Talk Englisch

Titel: Small Talk Englisch
Autoren: Helga Kansy
Vom Netzwerk:
    Alice: How is Celia? Didn't she try out for the theater group?
    Carol: Yes, she did, and guess what: she made it. Alice: Congratulations!
    Carol: Thank you. She's all into it. Can you imagine my daughter reading and enjoying literature? Miracles happen!
Useful phrases
    Family / Familie
My family immigrated at the beginning of the 20 th century. My grandmother comes from Norway; my father is half Italian and half Polish.
If I'm not mistaken, my cousin did her internship in your company last summer.
One part of my family emigrated from Germany to Israel; the other lives in the greater New York City area.
My family is very close. Each year we all meet at my uncle's for Thanksgiving.
As is customary, I don't get along that well with my parents-in-law, but we make the best of it.
In reality, I moved to the south to please my husband because his brothers and sisters live there with their children.
Because we don't have children of our own we take all the more interest in our niece. My wife is her godmother.
I'm twice divorced. Let me introduce you to my third wife, Agnes.
    Talking about children's school performance / Über die Leistungen von Kindern sprechen
My son just graduated from high school.
My daughter is doing really well at school. She is on the honors roll and therefore plans to go to college.
My nephew loves doing math and science experiments. He's so unlike the rest of the family, you wouldn't believe it.
My niece has a natural talent for learning languages. I wonder whether she got that from her mother.
    Children and sports / Kinder und Sport
My niece is exceptionally / extremely athletic. She plays on the school's volleyball varsity team.
My son loves all ball games but dislikes gymnastics and any type of endurance sports.
All of my children are fanatic and assiduous about aquatic sport, regardless of whether it is swimming, diving or high diving.
We are a typical American family: My son is the captain of the football team and my daughter is a cheerleader.
    Children and their pets / Kinder und ihre Haustiere
My youngest daughter Helen is longing for a guinea-pig. Do you know anything about keeping those pets?
My half-brother Bill performs equestrian acrobatics. As a child he had no interest whatsoever in sports or horses.
My granddaughter Vera is allergic to cats and dogs. That's why my daughter bought her a tortoise called Pucki.
Did you know that our trainee has her own little zoo: one rabbit, two white mice and a parakeet / budgerigar (budgie)?
    Describing children / Kinder schildern
My oldest grandchild looks just like her father, but her personality is just like her mother's.
My nephew is so cute, you have no idea.
My elder daughter inherited my husband's passion for music.
My stepchild was very shy at first but has now opened up.
    Gardening /Gartenarbeit
    Gardening (Gartenarbeit) erfreut und entspannt die Menschen wohl überall auf dem Globus, selbst wenn sie nur ein winziges Fleckchen Grün oder lediglich einen Balkon haben. Den Engländern und Japanern wird eine wahre gardening obsession (Gartenmanie) nachgesagt. Jeder passionierte Gärtner entwickelt seine eigenen secret home remedies (Geheimrezepte), um die schönsten Früchte zu ernten und das beste Gemüse oder die elegantesten Blumen zu ziehen. Über pruning (Baumschnitt) und cultivating / growing (Pflanzenzucht), über vermin control (Ungezieferbekämpfung), lawnmower und sprinkler können passionierte Gärtnervon Hecke zu Hecke stundenlang philosophieren – der Garten und die Gartenarbeit sind eine wahre Fundgrube für unverkrampften Small Talk.
    Neighbors Lesley and Ted are both working in their garden.
    Lesley: Hi, Ted. Here we go again, there's always something to do, isn't there?
    Ted: There sure is. I'm glad it rained so it's easier to weed out.
    If there is one thing I hate, it's a garden running to weeds.
    Lesley: Ted, let me tell you. As much as you tender your garden, weeds don't even have a chance! How are your cucumbers this year? Mine look a little bit on the small side.
    Ted: That's right, but they taste delicious. The tomatoes look pretty good, too. My grandchild Fay called already to see when she can come and pick Grandpa's tomatoes.
    Lesley: Is that so? Make sure to let her know she's always welcome to help me pick berries and cut the lawn.
    Ted: Will do. I'd better go in and help prepare dinner. Bye.
    Lesley: Bye now.
Useful phrases
Look at your garden! Everything grows so nicely. You have a green thumb, just
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