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Single Lady Spy 01 - The End of Me

Single Lady Spy 01 - The End of Me

Titel: Single Lady Spy 01 - The End of Me
Autoren: Tara Brown
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probably, the softest towel on the planet. The queen probably didn’t have as nice of a towel. I walked naked to his bed and climbed in.
    He got out and walked across the room in the dim light coming from the bathroom.
    “Should I sleep in the closet or are you not having company over tonight?”
    He chuckled, “You stay right where you are.”
    My stomach tensed, “Gustavo, you can’t be serious.”
    He turned sharply, grinning, “You never call me that.”
    I tilted my head, “I should sleep in clothing. I just…I can’t—, not with you. Not ever again.”
    He laughed and fiddled with a drawer of things, “All I ask is for five minutes to persuade you otherwise.”
    I shook my head, “No.”
    “Don’t say no to me.” He pointed at me and walked back across the room to turn off the light in the bathroom.
    He climbed into the bed, dragging me across it to him. He wrapped himself around me and whispered in my ear, “You want to know my perfect year, assuming I had another one to live?”
    I nodded. I was scared of him. Not the right kind of fear though. It was a fear he was going to break my heart, after only a week of knowing each other.
    His words were breath only, tickling my ear, “It would start with spooning you for a whole night, like you deserve to be. Then I would do everything in my power to ensure your life was the way you wanted it to be. I would say that I would die for you, Evie, but that won’t guarantee your safety. I would spend my whole year in your shadow, protecting you and earning the place I want to be in your heart. So that you would invite me for Christmas in the Alps.” He kissed my cheek, “I need one last show out of you tonight. Someone is watching me and I don’t know who . Please, let me play bad guy. Can you do that?”
    Tears were streaming down my face, I gave myself the moment and then shut it off. I turned to him, speaking loudly, “You have five minutes to make me want it. But you have to stop whispering that dirty shit in my ear.”
    I could see the glossiness of his eyes in the moonlight, filtering in when he nodded, “I knew you’d come around.”
    I woke hours later and looked over at him. He was sleeping still. I cuddled in and let everything he had said be more than it probably was.
    Flashes of the night before crept in my brain, making me blush. I’d ridden him for the first time. It was amazing. My body was clenching just from remembering.
    “You’re making me sweat,” he uttered, not opening his eyes.
    I smiled, “You made me sweat last night.”
    He grinned, “You liked it.”
    I bit his arm lightly, “You liked it.”
    He opened one very green eye, “I did.”
    His smile was infectious. I dragged my hands across his torso, “I’m hungry.”
    He chuckled, “I’ll see is Matilda has any raisin bran for you.”
    I swatted him and climbed off the bed. “I want more of Pierre’s waffles.”
    He lifted his head and watched me pull on clothes, I stole from his drawer, “Stop stealing my clothes and no more waffles for you. You aren’t even allowed to come over anymore.”
    I rolled my eyes, “Whatever.”
    I looked down at his shorts and black t-shirt, “These almost fit. Were you slimmer before?”
    He shook his head, “I called ahead a few days ago and asked Matilda to get you some of my clothes, from when I was a boy, out of the old bags. I was shoving them in there last night, when you were being rude to me.”
    I folded my arms, “How am I so predictable to you? How do you guess my every move?”
    His eyes sparkled, “You military people are all the same. You follow orders. I knew if I told you to do something, you would.”
    I snorted as I left the room in search of food.
    I found Coop instead.
    He gave me a grave look, “You okay?”
    I nodded, “Yeah. We’re fucked, but I’m okay.”
    “Why? What did he say?”
    I shook my head and walked down the hall, “Nothing. That’s the problem. He hasn’t told me anything. He doesn’t talk to me about James, or the Burrow, or anything. I told him whatever happens, to keep my kids safe and that’s the only guarantee I’ve gotten from him.”
    He swallowed, “Martin’s team hasn’t checked in since they went silent.”
    Worry snuck in, where I had told myself not to. I sighed, “What can we do? Realistically, what are our options?”
    He shook his head and led me to the bedroom where Luce and Jack were sitting on a huge bed.
    “Morning,” Luce smiled. I could see the fear
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