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Point Blank

Point Blank

Titel: Point Blank
Autoren: Catherine Coulter
Vom Netzwerk:
    “A dizzying dash involving kidnapping, near-misses, murder, and a manhunt. Her readers are guaranteed a happy ending.”
    —The Sacramento Bee
    “Full-blown intrigue…Coulter deftly orchestrates her fast-paced, intricate story threads and the disparate cases challenging her agents with a concertmaster’s touch.”
    “Love in all its forms, some of which can be quite twisted, lies at the heart of this stimulating and gritty new thriller. Coulter’s FBI books have their own special style which, when added to the spine-tingling suspense, supplies edge-of-your-seat thrills.”
    —Romantic Times
    “Brilliant and enthralling…Fans of Tami Hoag, Iris Johansen, and Kay Hooper will want to read Catherine Coulter’s latest suspense thriller…Ms. Coulter once again delivers a work brimming with action, chase scenes, and terrific characterizations.”
    —The Best Reviews
    “I just got through reading Point Blank. Great book. The two plots were classic Coulter style, which I love. The way you throw the readers right into the thick of the action is so captivating and thrilling. Congratulations on the book.”
    —Lee Shackelford
    “I have just finished Point Blank…What a lovely attention-grabber that one was…Such a tricky way to track the evil ones. You do good, and I love every one of your FBI series.”
    —Marie Kahler
    “Well, you did it again! You knocked my socks off with another great mystery, Point Blank.”
    —Joe Nicolo
    “You’ve done it once again. I didn’t get anything done because I picked up [Point Blank] first thing in the morning, and by bedtime it was finished. My husband almost didn’t get any dinner. He asked, ‘Is that book really that good?’ Yes, it was.”
    —Carol Henson
    “You did it again! Another great novel! I love the FBI series and all the characters. Keep up the good work. Your novels are great!”
    —Joyce Hemminger
    “I just bought Point Blank yesterday and finished it this morning. All I have to say is that it was the best out of all the FBI series. I have read almost all of your books. It was so suspenseful that I had a hard time putting it down to go to sleep at three in the morning. I love Savich and Sherlock together; they make a great team, and I hope they are in more books in this series because I really enjoy them. Once again, incredible book.”
    —Francean Baxter
    “Well, just this morning I finished reading Point Blank. You did a great job on that book. My thinking is that you are truly amazing. I look forward to whatever is next. Thank you.”
    —Ernie Dalleske
    “All I can say is WOW!!! Point Blank is one of your best! The first chapter was so graphic and well written I felt claustrophobic as Ruth walked through the cave and I groped through the darkness myself. A wonderful story and a great read! Thanks again!”
    —Laurie McGrath
    “Oh, it was the best!…You kept me going, Ms. Coulter, you really did. Keep writing.”
    —Aimee Sordelli

    THE COVE (1996)
    THE MAZE (1997)
    THE TARGET (1998)
    THE EDGE (1999)
    RIPTIDE (2000)
    HEMLOCK BAY (2001)
    ELEVENTH HOUR (2002)
    BLINDSIDE (2003
    BLOWOUT (2004)
    POINT BLANK (2005)

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