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Paddington Novels 1-3

Paddington Novels 1-3

Titel: Paddington Novels 1-3
Autoren: Michael Bond
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minute’s peace. Jonathan and Judy away and you and Mr Brown ill in bed!” She raised her hands in horror at the thought of it all.
    “We’ve been doing very well,” said Mr Brown, as he sat up in bed. “Paddington’s been looking after us.”
    “Hmmm,” said Mrs Bird. “That’s as may be.” Mrs Bird had made her way upstairs and she had also found the remains of her feather duster hidden in the hall-stand.
    “Have you seen Paddington anywhere?” asked Mrs Brown. “He went out just now but he said he wouldn’t be very long.”
    “No,” said Mrs Bird. “And that’s another thing. There are wheelbarrow trails right through the house. All the way up from the shed, through the kitchen and out throughthe front door.”
    “ Wheelbarrow trails?” repeated Mr Brown. “But we’ve been in bed for two days.”
    “That,” said Mrs Bird sternly, “is exactly what I mean!”
    While the Browns were trying to solve the mystery of the wheelbarrow trails Paddington was having an even more difficult time in the launderette.
    “But I only opened the door to see where the washing had gone,” he explained. He was sitting on the counter wrapped in a blanket while the mess was being cleared up.
    “But it hadn’t gone anywhere,” said the stout lady. “The things only looked as if they had disappeared because they were going round so fast. They always do that.” She sought for words to explain what she meant. “It’s a… it’s a sort of phenomenon.”
    “A phen-omen-on?” repeated Paddington. “But it didn’t say anything about a phenomenon in the instructions.”
    The lady sighed. Washing machines were rather difficult things to explain and she’d not had many dealings with bears before.
    “Bubbles all over my machines!” she exclaimed. “Water all over the floor. I’venever seen such a mess!”
    “Oh dear,” said Paddington sadly. “I’m in trouble again.” He looked at the pile of half-washed clothes next to him. He didn’t know what Mrs Bird would say when she heard all about it, and as for Mr Curry…
    “I tell you what,” said the stout lady as she caught sight of the expression on Paddington’s face. “Seeing it’s your first time here and we’re not so very busy, suppose we do it all again. It would never do to have a dissatisfied customer in a launderette.” She gave Paddington a wink. “Then we can put it all in the spin dryer and if I’ve got time I might even be able to iron it for you in the back room. After all, it’s not every day we have a bear’s washing to do.”
    Mrs Bird surveyed the neat pile of newly ironed laundry and then turned to Mr and Mrs Brown who had just come downstairs for the first time. “Well,” she said approvingly, “I never expected to see this. I couldn’t have done it better myself.”
    “I do hope it’s all right, Mrs Bird,” said Paddington anxiously. “I had a bit of a phenomenon in the launderette.”
    “A phenomenon?” repeated Mrs Brown.“But you can’t have a phenomenon in a washing machine.”
    “I did,” said Paddington firmly. “And all the water came out.”
    “I think you must be mistaken, dear,” said Mrs Brown. “A phenomenon means something strange.”
    “And talking of strange things,” said Mrs Bird, looking hard at Paddington, “Mr Curry knocked on the door a moment ago and left you a toffee. He says he’s very pleased with his jerseys. He doesn’t know what you’ve done to them but they fit him for the first time in years. They’ve always been too large up till now.”
    “Perhaps,” said Mr Brown, “there was a phenomenon in the washing machine after all.”
    Paddington felt very pleased with himself as he made his way upstairs to his room. He was glad it had turned out all right in the end. As he closed the dining-room door he just caught a remark of Mrs Bird’s.
    “I think we’re very lucky indeed,” she said. “Looking after a big house like this for two days and doing all the washing into the bargain. That young bear’s one of the old school.”
    Paddington puzzled over the remark for some time and in the end he went to consult his friend Mr Gruber on the subject.
    When Mr Gruber explained to him that it meant he was very reliable, Paddington felt even more pleased. Compliments from Mrs Bird were very rare.
    “But all the better for having when they come, Mr Brown,” said Mr Gruber. “All the better for having when they come.”

“I vote,” said Mr Brown, “that we
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