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Nothing to Lose

Nothing to Lose

Titel: Nothing to Lose
Autoren: Lee Child
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hundred. Not great odds. But Reacher hated turning back.
    The guy who was standing said, “We don’t want you here.”
    Reacher said, “You’re confusing me with someone who gives a shit what you want.”
    “You won’t get served in here.”
    “You could order for me.”
    “And then what?”
    “Then I could eat your lunch.”
    “Funny man,” the guy said again. “You need to leave now.”
    “Just leave now.”
    Reacher asked, “You guys got names?”
    “Not for you to know. And you need to leave.”
    “You want me to leave, I’ll need to hear it from the owner. Not from you.”
    “We can arrange that.” The guy who was standing nodded to one of the guys in the seats, who scraped his chair back and got up and headed for the kitchen. A long minute later he came back out with a man in a stained apron. The man in the apron was wiping his hands on a dish towel and didn’t look particularly worried or perturbed. He walked up to Reacher’s table and said, “I want you to leave my restaurant.”
    “Why?” Reacher asked.
    “I don’t need to explain myself.”
    “You the owner?”
    “Yes, I am.”
    Reacher said, “I’ll leave when I’ve had a cup of coffee.”
    “You’ll leave now.”
    “Black, no sugar.”
    “I don’t want trouble.”
    “You already got trouble. If I get a cup of coffee, I’ll walk out of here. If I don’t get a cup of coffee, these guys can try to throw me out, and you’ll spend the rest of the day cleaning blood off the floor and all day tomorrow shopping for new chairs and tables.”
    The guy in the apron said nothing.
    Reacher said, “Black, no sugar.”
    The guy in the apron stood still for a long moment and then headed back to the kitchen. A minute later the waitress came out with a single cup balanced on a saucer. She carried it across the room and set it down in front of Reacher, hard enough to slop some of the contents out of the cup and into the saucer.
    “Enjoy,” she said.
    Reacher lifted the cup and wiped the base on his sleeve. Set the cup down on the table and emptied the saucer into it. Set the cup back on the saucer and squared it in front of him. Then he raised it again and took a sip.
    Not bad, he thought. A little weak, a little stewed, but at heart it was a decent commercial product. Better than most diners, worse than most franchise places. Right in the middle of the curve. The cup was a porcelain monstrosity with a lip about three-eighths of an inch thick. It was cooling the drink too fast. Too wide, too shallow, too much mass. Reacher was no big fan of fine china, but he believed a receptacle ought to serve its contents.
    The four guys were still clustered all around. Two sitting, two standing now. Reacher ignored them and drank, slowly at first, and then faster as the coffee grew cold. He drained the cup and set it back on the saucer. Pushed it away, slowly and carefully, until it was exactly centered on the table. Then he moved his left arm fast and went for his pocket. The four guys jumped. Reacher came out with a dollar bill and flattened it and trapped it under the saucer.
    “So let’s go,” he said.
    The guy standing at the head of the table moved out of the way. Reacher scraped his chair back and stood up. Eleven customers watched him do it. He pushed his chair in neatly and stepped around the head of the table and headed for the door. He sensed the four guys behind him. Heard their boots on the tile. They were forming up in single file, threading between tables, stepping past the sign and the register. The room was silent.
    Reacher pushed the door and stepped outside to the street. The air was cool, but the sun was out. The sidewalk was concrete, cast in five-by-five squares. The squares were separated by inch-wide expansion joints. The joints were filled with black compound.
    Reacher turned left and took four steps until he was clear of the parked pick-up and then he stopped and turned back, with the afternoon sun behind him. The four guys formed up in front of him, with the sun in their eyes. The guy who had stood at the head of the table said, “Now you need to get out.”
    Reacher said, “I am out.”
    “Out of town.”
    Reacher said nothing.
    The guy said, “Make a left, and then Main Street is four blocks up. When you get there, turn either left or right, west or east. We don’t care which. Just keep on walking.”
    Reacher asked, “You still do that here?”
    “Do what?”
    “Run people out of
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