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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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looked like a scared rabbit as she came to stand by the bed.
    "Remember what I said . . ." Isabella halted to drag in another few panting breaths. "As soon as the baby's out . . . and the cord cut . . ." Isabella bit her bottom lip hard and curled her fingers into the sheet beneath her. "You must make sure it's breathing and the mouth is clean." Isabella waited for Agnes to nod, then let out a long cry. "Tiger!"
    "Aye, love, I 'm here. Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Tiger wanted desperately to hold her, to press her close and offer comfort in the only way he knew how, but she was clasping the bed linen like a lifeline.
    In that moment Tiger had the strangest feeling. It hit him in the middle of the chest as if he 'd been poleaxed. If anything happened to this woman his life would be meaningless. His hands began to shake with the knowledge he held that life in his hands. She was depending on him as no other person ever had before. Oh, his men followed his orders, looked to him for guidance in all matters to do with the farm and the land but no one had ever put their life entirely in his hands as she did now.
    "If I could take away the pain I would," he whispered as she moaned loudly and tensed. Pushing the top sheet back, he ordered softly, "Put a foot on my shoulder. Come here Agnes and take your mistress's foot on your shoulder as I'm doing. Let her push against you, hear?"
    "I hear, master." The girl 's face was twisted with fear, and Tiger admitted he felt as scared as she looked. He swallowed hard. "Push, love," he ordered.
    "I 'm pushing, dolt!" Isabella ground out, and he grinned.
    "Aye, that you are, my love," he agreed softly, watching the place between her legs for any signs of the baby.
    Ye gods—how women suffered to bring new life into this world. A man took his pleasure, and at times gave it, never considering the life he might be creating. Never giving a thought to the endurance of the woman producing the fruits of that act of lust.
    But it had never been only lust with Bel la. With her the act itself always brought greater pleasure by far than simply the sating of his desire. Now he looked back on it, each time had seemed the most natural thing in the world. The simplest. They'd come together as if neither could help themselves. Was that love? Could that be the fragile quality the poets were always blathering on about?
    Isabella began to scream and he was soon too busy to spare a thought for such fancies.
    "Did I tell you how much I hate you," she ground out.
    "Aye, love, many times. An' I have to admit to understanding why. Did I ever tell you you're the most beautiful woman who ever walked the earth?"
    "Oh yes, I must look a picture stretched out here . . . Oh, sweet Jesus." She screamed again as she gave a mighty heave, her foot driving into his chest. He glanced across at Agnes. The girl stared at Isabella's struggles with such terrible awe on her face he paused to wonder if it might turn her off bearing children. As much sweat poured from her face as from Bella's.
    His gaze went back to Isabella and he shou ted, "I can see its head. Push, sweetheart, push."
    "I 'm pushing. What the bloody hell do you think I'm doing here?" she shouted back, her sweat-soaked head pressing into the pillow beneath her.
    "Its shoulders are out, Bella. " Tiger felt a tingle in his fingers, and his heart thumped, as without further warning the baby slipped away from its mother, into his waiting hands.
    "Sweet Jesus. It's a girl, Bella."
    Tiger held the tiny infant aloft by the legs and gave a shout of laughter. "We 've made a daughter." He grinned as the newborn began to make her presence known; her small mouth opened wide, her eyes puckered as she wailed.
    "She 's healthy?" Isabella whispered.
    "Aye, love, the bonniest babe since Tim." Stunned by the wonder of what he 'd just witnessed, he breathed softly, "A beautiful daughter."
    "Let me have her. Let me see her." Isabella weakly lifted her head, her arms outstretched.
    "In one moment, love, and then you'll never be parted again. Get the cloth, Agnes, and wipe the babe's face and mouth." With a finger he ensured the tiny mouth was clear.
    He saw to the cord as Isabella had instructed, dabbing honey on the protruding belly button. Tiger then gently put the baby onto her mother 's breast.
    His eyes misted as he watched Isabella 's face. Tears coursed down her cheeks, onto the baby's head as she pressed a kiss on the down covering the tiny skull,
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