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Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

Titel: Mind Over Matter
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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    “I already had. I didn’t think you—”
    “The problem was you did think. Too much.” He drew her away, only to look at her. “So did I. Be civilized. Be careful. Wasn’t that the way we arranged things?”
    “It seemed like the right way.” She swallowed and moved closer. “It didn’t work for me. When I fell in love with you, all I could think was that I’d ruin everything by wanting too much.”
    “And I thought if I asked, you’d be gone before the words were out.” He brushed his lips over her brow. “We wasted time thinking when we should have been feeling.”
    She should be cautious, but there was such ease, such quiet satisfaction, in just holding him. “I was afraid you’d never be able to accept what I am.”
    “So was I.” He kissed one cheek, then the other. “We were both wrong.”
    “I need you to be sure. I need to know that it doesn’t matter.”
    “Aurora. I love you, who you are, what you are, how you are. I don’t know how else to tell you.”
    She closed her eyes. Clarissa and she had been right to drink to hope. That was all there was. “You just found the best way.”
    “There’s more.” He held her, waiting until she looked at him again. And he saw, as he’d needed to, her heart in her eyes. “I want to spend my life with you. Have children with you. There’s never been another woman who’s made me want those things.”
    She took his face in her hands and lifted her mouth to his. “I’m going to see to it there’s never another.”
    “Tell me how you feel.”
    “I love you.”
    He held her close, content. “Tell me what you want.”
    “A lifetime. Two, if we can manage it.”

Don’t miss these other favorite series by Nora Roberts available now wherever ebooks are sold!
    Stars of Mithra
    Hidden Star
    Captive Star
    Secret Star
    The MacKade Brothers
    The Return of Rafe MacKade
    The Pride of Jared MacKade
    The Heart of Devin MacKade
    The Fall of Shane MacKade
    The Stanislaskis
    Taming Natasha
    Luring a Lady
    Falling for Rachel
    Convincing Alex
    Waiting for Nick
    Considering Kate
    Also Available
    The Art of Deception
    Lessons Learned
    Mind Over Matter
    One Summer
    Risky Business
    Second Nature
    Summer Desserts
    Treasures Lost, Treasures Found
    Unfinished Business
    A Will and a Way

ISBN: 978-1-4592-7377-1
    Mind Over Matter
    Copyright © 1987 by Nora Roberts
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    All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
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