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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 6

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 6

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 6
Autoren: Various
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"Okay, what does that have to do with love?"
    "From your drawer," Jesse whispered, not trusting his voice. Jesse drew back, searching Ryan's face, wondering if he would understand or would Jesse have to spell it out. At first nothing showed on Ryan's face, then realization dawned.
    "You mean the world to me."
    Ryan bit his lip, his eyes clouding with worry. "I wanted to ask you in Hawaii."
    Ryan sat up, his eyes filled with pain. "No, but we're good together."
    "No, not Hawaii." Jesse jumped out of the bed and took both of Ryan's hands in his, wanting to kneel but that would make it beyond awkward because of the height of the bed. "Ryan, I have loved you for so long, almost since the day we met, for sure by the end of our second date. I had a hell of a time getting you to move in with me, and I'm so glad you finally relented."
    "Let me finish."
    "Okay." Ryan smiled up at him.
    "Please marry me."
    "You know my answer."
    "I want to hear you say the word," Jesse said.
    "But I was supposed to ask you."
    "Let me have this. Please."
    "Yes." Ryan's smile left Jesse light headed.
    "Yes, you'll marry me or yes, you are letting me ask you?"
    "Yes Jesse. I'll marry you."
    Jesse smile hurt his cheeks. He felt so alive with love for Ryan. "Really?"
    "Yes, dufus. I was going to ask you, so of course I'll marry you."
    "God, Ryan, I love you." Jesse clung to Ryan, squeezing him tight. "I want you to quit your job at the coffee shop."
    Ryan pushed at Jesse's hold, his body going stiff. "No way, I can't quit. Plus, I need the money."
    Jesse turned, one leg hanging off the mattress as he faced his fiancé. "Ryan, I want you to stay healthy–"
    "But I won't have–"
    Jesse placed a finger on Ryan's lips, hushing him. "Listen, that's all I want you to do right now. Can you listen?"
    Ryan nodded though anger filled his gaze.
    "Babe, you've put off your art long enough. You work long hours at the coffee shop, leaving you only a few hours each week to concentrate on what you love."
    Ryan closed his eyes and Jesse stopped talking until he opened them again, fixing Jesse with a troubled stare. "Sweetie, you stopped taking classes because of the coffee shop. Please, go back to school and finish."
    "But it'll cost a fortune. I have some money saved, but not enough."
    "Ryan, you're about to be my husband. I have money set aside for this."
    "Wait, are you saying you've saved up money to put me through school?"
    Jesse nodded. "Yeah. After we'd been together a few months, I'd already fallen in love with you. I was looking for the right time to tell you about the money. It broke my heart when you quit your classes. You're good, real good, and not that you need a degree but the connections you'll get while in school can't hurt. Please say yes."
    "You want to pay for the rest of my classes?" Ryan asked and his eyebrows scrunched together causing lines to race across his brow.
    "I'll do anything for you. I love you."
    Ryan cupped Jesse's face, drawing him close. When they were less than an inch apart, Ryan nodded his head. "Thank you, I'll cut back on my hours and enroll in some classes."
    "Good enough." Jesse closed the distance, his lips brushing gently against Ryan's. They stayed locked in each other's arms for a long time, kissing until the scrape of the curtain interrupted them. Jesse had never been better. They could get through anything as long as they stayed together. He'd take care of Ryan, doing what ever it took to keep him healthy. He couldn't believe the guy loved him enough to take a chance with him, and he'd spend the rest of his life making sure Ryan understood how much he meant to him.
    The nurse left and Ryan reached out. Jesse took his hand, holding it to his heart.
    "Jesse, I can't believe you want me but I'm glad you do. I love you more than anything."
    "I love you."
    They smiled at each other, both of their eyes shiny with moisture. This wasn't at all how he thought they would finally cement their relationship, but now Jesse had Ryan and he would never let him go.
    Author bio: Sara York is a multi-published author who lives in the southern half of the United States with her family and dogs.
    Contact info:
    Sara York
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